From the Principal
Welcome back to another school year!
Special mention to all the families returning to Endeavour College, the new Year 7 families from both the Connected Schools network and other local schools, and lastly a special mention to all other new families across the College.
Our annual tradition to welcome the new school year started with a variety of orientation days across each year level, each one focusing on a mix of team building activities, leadership activities and even physical activities preparing our cohorts for the year ahead.
The Opening Service followed closely, formally celebrating the start of the new school year.
The Opening Service gave us a chance to recognise and celebrate the outstanding achievements of the Class of 2023 (please see article from our Director of Learning), install new College staff, recognise long serving staff and celebrate those new to our community.
For the first time we had an official procession of our Year 7 students to welcome them to the Endeavour College community, as well as their individual Village in which they will find an abundance of support and comfort throughout the coming years. Watching the Year 7s process in was a lovely touch, instilling a sense of pride for our College and its Village support network.
As a Lutheran School we make an important distinction between a job and a vocation; between simply filling a position and serving God according to the calling He has given us. For that reason, we not only introduce and welcome new staff, but we commit them to God, pray for them, and dedicate their work to his glory. In this way, we are all able to serve God and others in our daily lives, whether our actions seem big or small.
The following staff were installed:
- Mr Paul Forrester-Brown: Mathematics / Christian Living
- Ms Naomi Parker: Japanese / Christian Living
- Mr Craig Smith: Mathematics / Science / PLP / RP
- Ms Paige Tregenza: Year 7 Humanities
- Dr Tracie Whittle: Science
- Ms Michelle Pfitzner: Business Director
- Mrs Michaela Balnaves: Laboratory Technician
- Mrs Kobi Poser: Student Wellbeing Receptionist
- Mrs Michelle Quach: Pastoral Administration Assistant
- Mr Lachlan Williams: PE and Sports Support Officer
Recognition of staff who have dedicated 10 years of service to Lutheran Education, with service awards presented to:
- Ms Sharon Ward
- Mr Jamie Richards
- Mr Ryan Martin
Lastly, special thanks to guest speaker and 2013 School Captain, Luke Wachtel who shared his story and encouragement to all for the year ahead.
I am excited about what this year will bring, and I look forward to the official launch of our Discovery Centre on Friday 23 February, where we will be represented by The Honourable Michael Brown MP, who is a much-cherished member of our community. See more information on this in The Vision For Learners section.
Richard Baird