Mission and Stewardship



On Ash Wednesday, our school community joined the parish community for Mass. 


As we began our Lenten journey toward our conversion and a new life in Christ, 

we asked God to help us be faithful to our Lenten penance:


We prayed for the leaders of the Church, that they may always trust in God and be an example to us all. 


We prayed for the leaders of the world, that they be blessed to make the right decisions which will lead our world community to be a better place. 


We prayed for those who have no one to turn to in times of need, that they may find strength in God’s love and that we, their neighbours, are encouraged to reach out to them. 


We prayed that during this Lenten season we will all try to be more generous and understanding of others. 




Lent is a time for prayer, fasting and almsgiving.


Rice Day at Holy Family


We thank everyone who participated in our Rice Day this year. Students walked in the shoes of those less fortunate by giving up their lunch for a day and having a bowl of rice to eat instead. 


We also thank you all for your generosity. All monetary donations will go to the Caritas Project Compassion Lenten Appeal. The final amount raised will be published soon. 


We are building the Kingdom of God at Holy Family by thinking of others. Together we can make a difference. 


Psalm 41:1 Blessed is the one who considers the poor!



Kind regards


Liana Stella

Religious Education Co-Ordinator