Around the School

Our Classrooms are buzzing with excitement in the first week of 2024!
Religious Education News
Wishing everyone a warm welcome back to the 2024 school year. Our liturgies commence this Friday, February 2nd, with our Beginning of Year School Mass. All families are invited to join us in worship if able to attend. This will be held at St Patrick’s Cathedral @ 10:00am. The junior students will walk and sit with their buddies.
On Tuesday, February 13th, we will celebrate Shrove Tuesday with pancakes. The school will provide these, but ask that any families with children who have specific dietary needs please send a substitute item to their child’s classroom teacher. Then, on Wednesday, 14th February we will be attending our Ash Wednesday Mass, also at St Patrick’s Cathedral at a time to be confirmed. (Please note that this is on a day of rest for our Foundation students.)
Sacramental Program
On Thursday, February 15th, there will be Parent meetings for the sacrament of First Reconciliation in the Glowrey/MacKillop Halls at either 10:00am OR 5:30pm. In the Ballarat diocese, children who are in year 4 and above who are baptised Catholic and have completed the sacrament of Confirmation are eligible to participate in First Reconciliation. If you have any questions please refer them to Tony Beggs at the Cathedral Office on 53312933 from Tuesday to Friday weekly between 10:00am - 3:00pm. He can also be contacted by email:
Lenten Assemblies and Lenten Family Activity,
Times and dates for our Lenten Assemblies and Family Activity will also be released in the coming weeks.