Deputy Principal / Learning and Teaching

Mrs Eloise Ellis

I Am Respectful! I Am Responsible!


This year our whole school throughline (focus) is "I Am Respectful! I Am Responsible!"


Last year, all staff met to discuss the needs of our students and create a focus for 2024. We voted towards the specific needs of our students and decided we would love our students to learn and thrive in a respectful and responsible environment.


What this means is that throughout our learning and teaching in 2024, we will have a constant focus in this area. This may be through our Literacy tasks, Wellbeing lessons, Inquiry lessons, Art - any area of the curriculum. 


Throughout our SMASH weeks (weeks 2 and 3), please speak to your children about activities they will be doing in the classroom and out on the yard that relate to our throughline. 


For new families, the first few weeks of the year at St Michael's are called "SMASH weeks"! No, it doesn't mean we go around smashing into things!! It means:

  • we spend time connecting with our new classmates and teacher; 
  • we focus on the importance of understanding and naming our emotions; 
  • we learn about the Zones of Regulation and what we can do when our emotions are becoming too strong
  • we revise and come to a deeper understanding of our S.M.A.S.H. expectations