Wellbeing News

Mrs Charlotte Allan 

Student Wellbeing News 

Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL)

SMASH is our acronym for our school wide expectations; Stay Safe, Make a Difference, Act Responsibly, Show Respect and Help Others. During the first two weeks of school we have SMASH weeks. During this time we are focusing on building relationships, classroom culture, set routines and expectations and giving our students voice. 


Research shows that student voice contributes to positive student wellbeing. 'Students sat that just 'having a say' 

-makes us feel respected, cared for and valued

-improves our relationships with teachers

-makes us feel we belong

-is good for our wellbeing 

Anderson & Graham, A. (2016) 


One of our whole school SMASH week activities was a paper helicopter competition. 


SRC (Student Representative Council)  

This year we have developed an SRC role description, both teachers and students contributed to this. After discussing the role descriptions students will/have decided if they would like to volunteer. After volunteering, the class then votes for two class members to be their SRC reps. Some classes are yet to vote; however here is the role description for your reference. Our SRC reps will be given their badges during at Week Four's assembly. 

Please reach out if you have any further questions or if I can support you or your child in any way callan@smashburton.catholic.edu.au