Middle School

3/4 LP & 3/4 DA

And that's a wrap for 2023! It's hard to believe another school year has come to an end. We are so proud of the progress all the 3/4s have made this year, they have been a wonderful bunch to teach. 

2023 UKCies

Last week teams played the grand final of the second annual Term 4 UKCies (Ultimate Kickball Championship). It was a very competitive game between the Towering Totems and the Officer Otters, but in the end the Otters took out the flag. It was awesome to see the kids step up and take responsibility for setting up, scoring and umpiring each game throughout the competition. What legends!


What better way to celebrate the end of the school year than the Colour Run and a party with all of your friends?! Well done to all 3/4s on an absolutely fabulous year!

Wishing all our students and their families a safe and happy holiday. We look forward to seeing you in 2024!