Chappy News




Except for when it's a super nice day outside, there is always a good 15-20 students joining in the lunch time fun and creativity.

Painting is always the most favourite but jewellery making seems to be getting popular too - if you're looking for Christmas gift ideas. Another idea is Game of Life or chess, these are very popular games if you don' have them at home.



REBOOT is a wellbeing program of Youth Dimension who run lunch programs in several local primary schools and high schools.

It is targeted for grade 5 and 6 students who have really enjoyed this throughout the whole year up until November when the youth interns were off to other projects. Next year, we believe they are returning with new youth interns. We are so grateful for their program and for them volunteering to spend time with us.



We are thankful for Lee (also a former chaplain) who has been co facilitating this program with me throughout the year. Lee manages Bless Collective across the road from the school.


The students have been learning about how their brain works - the Amygdala - responsible for protecting us and for our emotions, the Hippocampus - where we store our memories, the Pre-Frontal Cortex - or PFC - this is where we risk assess, plan and make decisions and the Audio Cortex - where we decide in our brain what sounds we like and what sounds go with what. These were the 4 parts that we were able to explore through drumming activities. Understanding how our brain works helps us to make better decisions and take care of our well being better.



Unfortunately, our school missed out on being funded this time around. If your child has been receiving mentoring through chaplaincy and you feel it was of benefit , it may a good idea to let your local MP know that you would like to see chaplaincy in Officer Primary School when the funding comes around 4 years time.


In the mean time , though I will no longer be officially at the school, I will be working on putting together a mentoring program with volunteers who have been checked and trained and who are happy to give 1 hour per week to work with one child - very similar to the Kid's Hope program that operates in many schools . This will be priority focussed and will take a little time to co-ordinate, but hopefully it will be up and running mid term 1. 


As I am not planning to fill those two days we lose with another school at this stage, I can continue to run the art and games club for at least term 1.


Behind the scenes, I will also be working with local communities to see if we can find another way to contribute to funding chaplaincy for Officer, even if I am not the one to fill that position later on. Student well being is the focus here, as it is too with Officer Primary school staff.


I feel very privileged to have been a member of this community and value every relationship grown here. I know that I will miss being here the 2 days each week but it's not completely good bye yet .🙂



There are Christmas carols and face painting, bubbles and craft activities. So bring your picnic rug, camping chairs, friends and nibbles or buy food and drink onsite. This is on Saturday 16th Dec at Pakenham Baptist Church site. Arrive at 5:30 for 6pm start. Parking is available onsite or across the road at Star News site.