Introducing 3/4C

3/4C have had a fantastic and positive start to the new school year. We have been involved in many activities to get to know each other and have formed great bonds with one another. We have loved working with our peers whether in pairs, small groups or as a whole class. Have a look at some of the fun activities we have done!
Get to know you board games
All About Me T-Shirts
One of our favourite get to know you activities was doing the bioglyphs. We used different symbols to create a picture of ourselves. Each symbol had a particular meaning. We also wrote words around our bioglyphs that described ourselves.
School Expectations - Behaviour Code
We discussed our behaviour code and worked in groups to write and draw what each of our expectations look like.
On Tuesday it was Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent begins. We learnt about Shrove Tuesday and then got together with all the 3/4s and ate pancakes together! Yum! Yum!