Faith Reflection and RE News

Faith Reflection
Matthew 6:1-6. 16-18: Your Father, who sees all that is done in secret, will reward you
In this week’s Gospel reading, Jesus talks to his disciples about how good deeds and prayer should be performed. He uses some practical examples to illustrate his point – don’t be like those who donate money in front of others to gain their admiration, or those who pray in the streets for all to see. Rather, we are called to be humble and do these things quietly and in private.
As we come to Ash Wednesday, we begin the season of Lent. This is a 40-day period where we are called to prepare ourselves for Easter through almsgiving, fasting, and prayer. The passage described above gives us some very clear directions about how we should conduct ourselves; we are called to remember that this is for our reflection and in service of God – not to improve our own image.
Humility and grace are perhaps things we don’t hear enough of in today’s society. We hear far more about the lives of glamorous celebrities, powerful world leaders, and picture-perfect social media influencers than we do of small acts of kindness. Yet, it is in those small authentic moments that we find Jesus. On this Ash Wednesday, as we come forward to receive the ashes on our foreheads, we are called to not concern ourselves with glamorous things, but rather to focus on how we can better live our lives.
May this season be a time for us to renew the commitments called on us by Jesus to live lives of humility, grace, and in service to others. This week, we are called to show humility in how we act and interact with others.
By Jonathan Rooney
Loving God,
you call us back to you with all of our hearts.
I feel your call for me deep in my heart and
I know you want me back as much as I want to return.
Please, Lord, give me the wisdom to know how to return.
Make my journey back to you this Lent one of grace, forgiveness and gentle love.
St John Vianney,
Pray for us
Last week, our opening school Mass centered around our 2024 school theme: "We are God's Hands," reminding us of our responsibility to serve and support one another. This theme will continue to guide us throughout the school year, reminding us of our call to serve others.
Additionally, at the Mass, we celebrated the commissioning of our dedicated student leaders. We look forward to seeing all of our Year 6 leaders support our school in various ways. Afterwards, it was wonderful to celebrate their new roles with a morning tea joined by their respective families!
Finally, we welcomed the Foundation and any new students or staff with open arms through the clapping-in ceremony, representing the new students, staff, and families joining the SJV community. This has become a cherished tradition at SJV, and I am sure I speak on behalf of the entire community in expressing our warmest well-wishes for their time at St. John Vianney Primary School.