Around the School

From The Junior Team
After sharing the story of Rapunzel, junior students were given the challenge, to work in a team to create the longest paper chain using only one A4 sheet of paper to help the prince climb the tower and rescue the trapped Rapunzel. This had to be achieved within 10min.
Our youngest students showed off their Collaboration and Communication skills as they worked together to achieve success. Those who built the longest, then shared their group work and chain building strategies to help every group improve.
Success was measured by comparing first attempts with their second.
Such a positive start for our Tuesday STEAM challenges.
There are two swimming events this term that students will have heard about in PE and have maybe even brought home an entry form to have a chat about.
For students in Yrs 3-6
Eureka Division Meet
Friday March 1st at Eureka Pool - 9am to 2pm
Students may enter 2 events and need to be quite competitive or competent swimmers over 50m.
Notes with details and entry forms are available from Kim or the office.
For students in Yrs F-2
Under 9s Encouragement Meet
Wednesday 28th February at Aquatic Centre 25m Pool - 6pm
Details can be found on the link below.
Extra notes and entry forms are available at the school office.
Please email any queries to Kim
All entries for both events are due to Kim or the office by Thursday 15th February at 5pm.
Eureka Tennis Competition
Yesterday a group of six children participated in the Eureka Tennis Competition, the boys represented our school beautifully.
Halo, nama saya Bu Ferguson. That means…
Hello, my name is Mrs Ferguson and I am the Indonesian teacher at St Patrick’s.
I would like to welcome all Foundation and any new students to St Patrick’s and I am very excited for you to begin learning about the fascinating country that is Indonesia!
Students will participate in Indonesian with me on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. We have a lot of fun singing, playing games and learning about the language and culture of Indonesia.
This week, Foundation and Year One students will receive a special postcard from their Year Five or Six Buddies, which tells them a little bit about Indonesia and hopefully gets them excited to learn more!
Junior families might like to start learning our special greeting songs, called ‘Selamat Pagi (Good Morning)’ and ‘Selamat Pagi Bu’ (Good Morning Mrs)’ at home. The following links will take you to the songs,
Sampai jumpa! See you soon!
Bu Ferguson.
Religious Education News
Thank you to our school community for our Beginning of the Year School Mass. Our School Captains and House Captains read prayerfully and our school choir beautifully led us in song.
On Thursday, February 15th, we will celebrate Shrove Tuesday with pancakes. The school will provide these, but ask that any families with children who have specific dietary needs please send a substitute item to their child’s classroom teacher on the day . You are invited to send a gold coin donation, which will go towards our Project Compassion fundraising. Then, on Wednesday, 14th February we will be attending our Ash Wednesday Mass, also at St Patrick’s Cathedral, at 12:05 pm. (Please note that this is on a day of rest for our Foundation students.)
Sacramental Program
Today, February 15th, there will be Parent meetings for the sacrament of First Reconciliation in the Glowrey/MacKillop Halls at either 10:00am OR 5:30pm. In the Ballarat diocese, children who are in year 4 and above who are baptised Catholic and have completed the sacrament of Confirmation are eligible to participate in First Reconciliation. There will be a Commitment Sunday for children at the following Masses:
- 5.30pm Mass Saturday 24th February, and
- 10:30am/5pm Masses on Sunday 25th February,
when candidates will be presented to the parish. Children are required to complete their first Reconciliation before receiving their First Communion, which will take place in Term 2. If you have any questions please refer them to Tony Beggs at the Cathedral Office on 53312933 from Tuesday to Friday weekly between 10:00am - 3:00pm. He can also be contacted by email:
Lenten Assemblies and Lenten Family Activity,
Times and dates for our Lenten Assemblies and Family Activity will also be released in the coming weeks.
Year 3/4 Students Shayne Reese Swimming Program
Our Year 3/4 students will start their swimming program through Shayne Reese Swim School next week. We hope they have a wonderful time, please note that they will not be swimming on the Wednesday.
Extend Before and After School Care