Student Learning

Year 3/4H Class News 

While it is hard to believe that Term 4 has begun, we have come back with lots to share from our different adventures during the term break and with lots of enthusiasm for our learning leading up to the end of the year. Reflecting on how far we have come together and aiming to finish with our best efforts are the goals for Year 3/4H. Our daily goals to achieve this are: 


1. Smile 

2. Be grateful for something 

3. Be kind to someone.


Sharing special events and regular lessons with Year 3/4S serve to make everything richer. 


Stocking Sculptures

To finish our Sculpture unit in Art last term, we completed sculptures made from stockings, wire and wood. We named them according to what they actually reminded us of, or according to the abstract idea they represented.

Frottage and String Animals

This term we have begun a unit on printmaking, starting with exploring prints made by rubbing over a raised surface (frottage).  We finished last term with the completion of woven string animals.

Wellbeing and Learning

Although the weather was up and down like a yo-yo, we made the most of some beautiful Spring days to work outside in God's creation and improve our wellbeing.


Our buddy class is Year 2 with Mrs Fuente, and we took turns making gifts for each other and swapping them.

Classifying Life

In Science we have begun to look at ways to classify living things. We have enjoyed using the displays in the Science cupboard to look at variety across a group of living things and diversity of species within a group.

It's Pouring Outside but the Sun is Out

In Maths we have been experimenting with measuring liquids accurately and investigating challenges with volume and capacity.

What on Earth is it?

We're not telling! You'll have to watch the Year 3/4 classes to find out. A huge thankyou to Mr Bawden for building it - super human effort once again.


Staff regularly pray for each class throughout the year. Students wrote their own private and personal prayer requests for staff to respond to. This photo captures the joy and impact this has on students when they came into class in the morning to find their own personal message waiting for them.

Reading Time in the Library

For our weekly reading time when we borrow and return, we were treated to the amazing Mrs Harry who joined us to read the classic The Gruffalo's Child. Who knew she could do so many different voices?


Andrew Harris

Year 3/4H Class Teacher

Outdoor Learning

Citizen Science Project

Pilgrim students have contributed to Australia's biggest Citizen Science project. In the first week of term, the students in both Year 3/4 classes took part in the Australian Bird Life Survey, celebrating it's 10th anniversary.


It is the biggest Citizen Science project in Australia, with more than 77,000 Australians counting and recording more than 3 million birds from over 300 species. The survey data shows the movement of birds throughout Australia and the rise and fall of species according to environmental conditions from year to year. 


Pilgrim students recorded 245 birds from 20 species across 2 days here on Campus. The most commonly seen species were Rainbow Lorikeets, Little Ravens, Noisy Miners, and Australian Magpies. A smaller cluster of species included Adelaide Rosellas, Eastern Rosellas, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos, Sulphur-crested Cockatoos and Striated Pardalotes.


Similar totals were recorded each day and by separating records into different layers it was possible to examine bird behaviours, with most records showing birds in flight, followed by perching in trees and bushes, with birds on the ground being the least common behaviour. There were more species and individuals in the morning than in the middle of the day.


Thankyou P&F!

Everyone in  the Year 3/4 classes are SUPER excited about the arrival of a Nest Box inspection camera kit, generously purchased by the P&F.


We want to say "THANK YOU!" for this very generous purchase of specialised scientific equipment that allows photographic and video recording of the birds and other animals that use a nestbox, even while sitting at a desk in the classroom nearby!


As part of our Serve project, we are planning to create better habitat for Adelaide Rosellas that visit the school, and will install a nestbox in the mature gum tree outside the classrooms with the hope of attracting a nesting pair. Students can then be responsible for observing, monitoring and recording the nestbox use over time and learning all about the life cycle of these beautiful native birds.


Giving Nature a Helping Hand

Jesus once asked a crowd, "Who is your neighbour?" to focus attention on generously helping others who may be different to us. The question can also help us to consider the native plants and animals that share our spaces with us and need our help.


Recently, it was noticed that some nesting sites for the Striated Pardalote had disappeared around Pilgrim School. Two nest boxes were purchased and installed, and it is with great pleasure and excitement that we can announce that during the October school holidays, nesting pairs are now using the boxes as their new homes!

These gorgeous, mouse-sized birds are full of character and curiosity and can now be seen flitting in and out of the boxes under the eaves outside the front office and Diverse Learning if you sit quietly at a distance. 


This small act of generosity by the Pilgrim Leadership team has ensured this local population can survive and thrive for future years 


Andrew Harris 

Year 3/4 Class Teacher

ICAS Competition Results 

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) are conducted by the University of NSW. This year some of our Year 2 - 6 Pilgrim students chose to enter the ICAS Science Competition.


Congratulations to the following students who excelled and received certificates at Worship:



  • Distinction: Isaac, Johnny
  • Credit: Cathryn, Jessamyn, Bochen, Benjamin C, Grace L, Arjuna, Aria, Caitlyn, Josiah Z
  • Merit: Amber, Leopold, Josiah R.

RAA Street Smart Sessions 

During Week 1, the Foundation - Year 4 students participated in RAA Street Smart sessions. The sessions were interactive and engaging. 


The Foundation and Year 1 students learnt:

  • The importance of having the right size seat and seatbelt, for our height. Did you know that children need to be 7 years of age AND 145cm tall to be in an adult seat and seatbelt?
  • That getting out of the car onto the road is not safe. Instead, getting out onto the footpath is.
  • That we should hold a grown up's hand when we get out of the car but if their hands are full, we have taken home a Safety Spot (magnet) to put on our car - our hand can go on the Safety Spot until our grown up is ready to hold our hand.
  • To Stop, Look, Listen and Think when we are near a road.
  • To cross the road safely.

Year 2 students learnt: 

  • To cross the road at a zebra and pelican crossing.
  • To stop, look, listen and think.
  • A safe place to ride a bike is on the pavement.
  • How to wear helmets correctly.
  • How to wear seatbelts correctly.

Pilgrim School Legomasters Competition