Principal's Report

Year 3 Working Bee 

On Sunday we held our Year 3 Working Bee, which was a great success! Despite the less than perfect weather we had a terrific turnout of willing workers and all our tasks, and more, were completed. Some of the tasks completed included weeding, cleaning gutters, pruning, painting and mowing. The Senior Campus certainly looked a treat as we all packed up to head home!


Thank you to the following school community members and families for helping to make our Senior Campus look extra neat and tidy or, alternatively, gave a donation: Andrew Aitken, Simone Anderson, Penina Berkovic, Rachel Bloom, Mark Bokser, Sam Burns, Stefan Engvall, Tim Friedman, Peter Hall, Kym Hayat, Lea and Jordan Hooper, Kat Koenig, Jae Hee Lee, Ty Ty Lim, Leon Lopata, Lett Leftley Family, Amy Malin, Victoria McKay, Julie Pitts, Ingrid Popper, Beth Poulter, Danny and Lisa Reiner, Andrew Ryan, Dimi Sfetsas, Simon Stainmagen, Monique and Wilf Sweetland, Andy Varker, Elise and Adrian Venditti, David Whiteman and Vince Zhang. 


Thank you also to all the children that worked so hard, including their excellent efforts at the morning tea table!! Sincere apologies if your name is not on this list but we appreciate your help all the same! 

World’s Teacher Day

In Australia we will celebrate and thank the teaching profession on World Teachers’ Day - Friday 27th October. For us at Gardenvale PS, it is a day we recognise all our dedicated staff. It certainly takes an army of staff for our school to run smoothly, purposefully, and provide outstanding educational programs. We acknowledge and thank our amazing staff for their skilled work in educating, inspiring and supporting and caring for our students. Our PFA have organised a special morning tea for our staff on Friday and I am sure they would really appreciate a thank you message from their students and parents. 

Family Fun Day this Sunday

We hope all families can come along and join in the fun atmosphere of this whole school event. The Family Fun Day is to take place from 12.00 to 3.30pm at the Senior Campus.  


Joint SRC and School Council Meeting

It was such a delight to watch our SRC students each speak so confidently and clearly in front of our School Council and many parents and family members. They clearly detailed the work of the SRC this year and articulated, with strong supporting reasoning, their request to School Council for funds to purchase additional sports equipment for students to use at recess and lunch times. 


We thank Rebecca Garrett and Jazmin Valentine for their ongoing work with our SRC and for empowering our SRC to voice and share their ideas.

Swimming Program

Our Year 3 to 5 Swimming Program at Waves Swimming Pool commences next Monday, 30th October and will conclude on Friday 10th November. Then it will be our Junior Campus students turn to be involved in the swimming program for 9 sessions from Tuesday 14th November. 


Classes for 2024

A reminder that Friday, 3rd November is the cut-off date for class placement requests from parents.  Please note teacher requests will not be considered. Please include your child’s name and current class in your request.  Written requests received by the above date will be considered along with teacher judgement.  


Families who are not returning to Gardenvale PS (apart from Year 6 students) in 2024 are asked to inform the office in writing. This will assist with forward planning and class structures for the coming year. 


Open Streets

This Friday is the final day of Open Streets trials! We’ve really enjoyed the energy on Landcox Street these past two weeks and hope all our families have too!


See you at the Family Fun Day,
