Around the Primary Classrooms

Year 1
Year 1 has had a busy start to Term 4! In preparations for Grandparents day, we time travelled and imagined what kind of grandmas we would be when we were older. We all thought carefully about 'When I am a Grandma..."
"My grandchildren will be my favourite people in the word." - Georgia Gandy
"I will have a husband and kiss a lot. I will have poor circulation in my fingers." - Charlotte Melody
"I will have crinkles on my face and grey hair and pale eyebrows." - Indy Trost
"I will live in a hotel; I will have fancy dress and I won't have to work!" - Olive Harris
Our Art focus was using Aboriginal symbols to create artwork representing a scene in the Australian bush. We then used these symbols to create a story around the scene we had created in our painting.
And finally, we hosted a Prayer Service celebrating All Saints Day. We all had a part to read and enjoyed sharing a video about passing kindness on with our primary community.
Year 4
Recently Peter Mitchell (Mitch) visited Year 4 for their final Spirit of Jesus session. It was thought-provoking, enlightening and reflective.
The continued focus of our Spirit of Jesus program is “in the little things we do and say every day, we can help to make someone's day”. It was evident throughout the reflective session that our responses demonstrated what Jesus asked us to do: ”Love God and love your neighbour”.
Some examples of when we saw the Spirit of Jesus included:
- Compassion: When Olive and Millie helped me after I got hurt.
- Generosity: When Amaya invited me to go camping with her family.
- Patience: When Evie was on the bus and she let a person get on before her.
- Friendship: When Mia played with me instead of playing tag with her other friends.
- Welcoming: When Willow and April greeted me with a smile and said “hello” this morning.
We also reelected on how we show the Spirit of Jesus in our own actions:
- Encouraging: When I taught Maisie a trick I knew at recess.
- Supporting: When Violet and I welcomed Mitch and gave him a smile and carried his bag.
- Caring: When I helped my little sister, who was upset, this morning.
- Empathy: When I comforted April after she told me about her sick lamb.
Mitch mentioned that Year 4 had provided him with some of the best responses he had come across, in all his time. This is a testament to the kind, compassionate and considerate students we are, in Year 4.