Learning & Teaching

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month

Dyslexia is not a result of intelligence and our society benefits greatly from the many strengths of all these amazing individuals.  We recognise and celebrate the creativity and skills they bring to our world.


Research as highlighted the strengths of many individuals with dyslexia to include;

  • Great at visual thinking- thinking in pictures
  • Three-dimensional thinking
  • Excellent big picture thinking
  • Highly observant
  • Fast problem solvers, able to think laterally
  • Excellent trouble-shooters
  • High levels of empathy
  • Outside-the-box thinkers
  • They are intuitive - good at reading people
  • Verbally articulate - great communicators
  • Creative - many find careers as designers, artists, actors, chefs
  • Spatially talented - many are employed as engineers, architects, designers, artists, mathematicians, physicists, physicians (especially surgeons and orthopaedists), and dentists.
  • Enjoy above average physical co-ordination skills


School Assessments and Data

November is fast approaching as our teachers prepare to enter into a period of end of year assessments. As we do at the beginning of the year, we complete a range of assessments and screeners to identify the strengths and any potential areas of support for all of our P-6 students.  This helps support future planning and gives us insight to the growth and learning of our students.


We already have some spelling data coming in from our Prep/1 class, with 50% of our Prep students working above the average range for spelling for this time of year.  Not to be out-done, 85% of our Year 1 students are at or above the average range for Year 1 in letter/sound recognition and spelling words. Congratulations to all of our Prep/1 students for their amazing growth and efforts with their learning throughout the year, and a huge thank you to Jo and the Prep/1 Team for their excellent teaching and support of our P/1 students. 


In partnership,

