Level 4

Level 4

We wish to share with you some of the exciting goals and activities we are exploring and achieving recently in the Level 4 area. 

In literacy, our students have been focusing on writing persuasive pieces. They have been working on improving their spelling, organizing their paragraphs effectively, and building convincing arguments. The topics they have been exploring include the use of mobile phones, other devices, homework, and chores. It's been wonderful to see them develop their writing skills and express their thoughts on these important issues.

In mathematics, our students have been learning about multiplication. They have been engaging in open-ended questions that involve multiplication, such as solving problems related to area, money, and word problems. Additionally, they have been studying maps and learning about scales, keys, and legends. This knowledge helps them understand our local area and our position within Australia. It's been fascinating to see them apply mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios.


Inquiry has been an exciting subject for our students. They have been working on Stop Motion projects, using iPads to film and collaborate with their peers. Through this project, they are expressing stories and simple narratives in a visually engaging way. They have been using various ICT sources to create vibrant animations with sound and artwork. It's been a fantastic opportunity for them to explore their creativity and develop their digital skills. We are hoping to have the students’ Stop Motion project available to view on the schools Google network. Details to come in a few weeks.


We are thrilled with the progress our Level 4 students are making in these areas. Their dedication and enthusiasm have been amazing. Check out the ‘Colour Your Threads’ work by 4TO. It demonstrates the real well being connections the kids are making.