
Level Foundation 

In Foundation…

In our Literacy and Inquiry sessions, we have been learning about different animals. So far we have looked at butterflies and sharks and have found out how they live and what they eat. We have used the information we have learnt to create some information reports! In our information reports we have been trying to use lots of adjectives to enhance our writing. 

While the Kinder kids came in to attend their transition sessions, we went up to the grade 5 rooms and did a fun maths activity with the Numberblocks! We revised our place value knowledge, using tens and ones to make our pictures.

In Friendology we have been learning how to put out friendship fires. FSB have been busy being fire fighters, not fire lighters. We learnt that when we have a frendship fire we need to go up to the person and use the sentence starters ‘Remember when… It made me feel….’ Then talk it out to resolve the problem.