Level 6

Level 6

Homework presentations 

Over the course of the first 6 weeks of Term 4, students were asked to complete, as part of their weekly homework, a slideshow about a country.  Students have had ownership over their homework timelines and when they complete them. This week students have had to present one of their slideshows, as well as share about their reading and maths homework. It has been great to see the different countries that students have chosen over the term, as well as all the various technologies that they have used in their presentations. Students have also assessed their peers via a rubric and have given them feedback on how they presented. 


Last week students continued their Level 6 scrapbook process and wrote their 6th piece of writing – a persuasive text.  Students have planned, drafted and published their pieces which they will then use later this term during the creation of their scrapbook. Many students have found the process of trying to remember their primary school years quite challenging at times but have been able to create highly imaginative and persuasive texts.



Throughout the term, students have been exploring the concepts of Economics and Business in their Inquiry sessions. As part of their studies, students have been asked to create their own business and product. They have been working in groups and have created advertisements (both print and video media) that encapsulates their branding and item, as well as highlighting the skills they have learnt around ads. Students have also created storyboards that show the run down of their ad/s and what techniques they will use in their ad, the camera angles, celebrity endorsements and many other aspects.