Our Integrated Curriculum concept for this term has been Creativity. On Friday 8th December we will be showcasing our students' work at our final Whole School Expo. Classrooms will be open to visitors from 3.00pm until 4.00pm. Please come along and have a look at the amazing work your child/children have done this Term.
Foundation – Topsy Turvy Tales
In Foundation our students have been practising thinking creatively and using their imagination as they explore traditional tales. Learning to think creatively provides us with the confidence to explore new environments and solve new problems. Students are working in groups to build and decorate a puppet theatre to represent a place from a traditional tale. Each student will make a puppet of one of the characters in their group's traditional tale. They will use their imagination and creativity to help their traditional tale character by making something bigger, or adding something, or removing something.
Team 1-2 – Celebrating Differences
Students are being immersed in the food, games, music, and traditions of different cultures. They are exploring the meaning of traditions as they build objects and experience cultural traditions. At the end of each week, they reflect on their family’s culture in preparation for sharing with other students at the end of the unit. They will develop an appreciation of multicultural Australia, embracing different foods, games, music, and traditions from different cultures, and that while we are all different, we all hold similar values, and we all have the right to be treated fairly.
Team 3-4 – Frame by Frame
In Team 3-4 students are practising thinking creatively as they develop a simple story and characters, settings, and props for a story. They will draw a storyboard that depicts the most interesting scene from their story idea and use the storyboard to make a stop motion animation. They will build a set and a prop, and capture images for their stop motion animation. They will edit their animation using a computer. Learning about the different ways that people can be creative, allows us to see opportunities to be creative in our day-to-day lives.
Team 5-6 – Bizarre Bazaar
In Team 5-6 students are working in teams to choose and develop a product or service to sell to the rest of the school at a Year 5/6 Market Day on Friday 8th December. Students will be required to complete a number of tasks such as drawing up a simple business plan; creating an advertising poster for the product; completing a scaffolded balance sheet; write a letter to a targeted charity offering to donate the profits from the day; and write a reflection on the experience. Students will gain a real-life understanding of the design and production process when creating a brand new product.