News from the 3/4 Team...

Maths Incursion 

The Grade Three and Four students had a wonderful day participating in a series of fun and interactive Mathematics activities run by Felstead Education.


The Maths Show

The day began with a live stage performance full of mathematical magic, mystery and mayhem. Students were amazed as Archimedes, The Amazing Maths Entertainer, used the power of numbers to control the mind, predict the future and reveal secrets. During the show, students met mathematicians from ancient Babylon and Greece, Experts in Estimation and Shape and Space and Champions of Chance and Data.


One of most engaging challenges presented to students during the show was the historically famous Seven Bridges of Konigsberg problem, pictured below. 


Can you find a way to walk through the city by crossing each bridge once and only once?
Can you find a way to walk through the city by crossing each bridge once and only once?


Maths Escape Room

There was no need to drive all the way into the city to experience the fun and excitement of an escape room, as it was delivered right to us! Students worked in small teams to solve a series of Maths challenges and puzzles as they tried to escape the basement of The Museum of London.

Congratulations to the winning teams, pictured below, who were the first to escape!

Grade Four Winning Team
Grade Three Winning Team
Grade Four Winning Team
Grade Three Winning Team


Maths Amazing Race

Students loved racing around the school, working collaboratively to solve a series of Maths challenges. Who knew that so many exotic places, including The Taj Mahal of India, The Deserts of Arabia and The Great Pyramids of Egypt, could all be found within our school grounds! Students began in a central location where they were given a Maths based challenge. Upon solving this challenge, students unlocked a clue, revealing the next location within the school. At each new location, students completed a new Maths challenge, requiring them to draw on their knowledge and skills across a variety of key areas of mathematics, including number, fractions, shape, space, measurement, probability and data. If students got stuck along the way, they were able to play the ‘hint’ cards so they could keep moving along the course. The winning team was the first to reach the finish line having solved all eight challenges.


Grade Three Amazing Race Winners!
Grade Three Amazing Race Winners!

Thank you Mr. Batt for organising a fabulous day of Maths!


Chamon's Cup

Congratulations to Jayden and Baron in 3RO, who won the Team 3/4 Chamon’s Cup, an annual table tennis competition. The top four placings were:


1st – Baron and Jayden

2nd – Jonathan L and Nathan S

3rd – Daniel S and Yixing

4th – Ava and Angelina  



Extracurricular Activities

Upcoming dates for your 3/4 diaries:

  • Whole School Expo - Friday 8th December
  • 2024 Transition Day - Tuesday 12th December


The Year 3/4 Team

Cameron Batt, Ray Owens, Claire Brennan, Sarah Jacobs, Lisa Trevorrow, Lyndsey Thwaites, Sarah Amiconi, Paul Roast and Philip Wickham