Visual Art

Foundation students started working on a mixed media spring hyacinth work which they will finish next week.
Students in Grades 1 and 2 finished their fauvist art inspired by contemporary artist Claudio Malacarne. They drew and coloured a cow in bold colours and applied correct brush stroke to paint the background in a bright colour.
Grade 3 and 4 students are very proud of their weaving work for which they made their own loom and set up their own waft. The students focused, persisted and used problem solving skills to correct small mistakes.
Next week students in Grades 5 and 6 will finish their 'ugly dolls'. They have learned how to sew on buttons and how to use a running stitch and a whip stitch. A few students who finished have their dolls already and I can't wait to show the diverse display of designs, when all students finish, in the next newsletter.
Mrs T.