Prep A - Savannah A - For giving all learning tasks a go with a positive attitude towards learning. Keep it up Savannah!

Prep B - Oadie C - For challenging yourself in your learning. It has been wonderful to see Oadie working hard, trying new things and making great choices in the classroom. Keep it up legend! 


1/2A - Elijah P - For having a can-do attitude towards your learning and making great choices in the classroom. Keep it up !!  

1/2B - Bailee L - Welcome back into our classroom.  I am proud of how quickly you have settled back into learning.

1/2C - Kingi B - For being an exceptional leader in our classroom and setting a high standard always. You are a superstar!


34A - Connor C- For being more confident to ask for help if he needs it and contributing to class discussions. Well done Connor, Keep it up buddy!

34B - Paisley K - For working hard to overcome obstacles and tackle some writing independently. Well done, we’re all proud of you.

34C - Lucy M - For putting great effort into her learning on a daily basis and always being a kind and friendly Eastie! Keep it up Lucy!


56A - Lucia A - For levelling up in her writing and using adequate evidence from the film to support. Well done Lucia! 

56B - Dane B - For settling in well as an ‘Eastie’ at his new school

56C - Jude B - For writing an extensive film review for the Movie ‘Ride Like A Girl’. The evidence you provided to back up your ideas showed a really good understanding of the film.

56D -Emma M - For her effort when learning how to solve algebra equations. Well done!


12C - Archie S - For showing great determination and persistence in learning a new skill.

Well done Archie, on mastering the knitting this week in Art.


Prep A - Ruby R - For sharing her mathematical thinking when working collaboratively to group like items. It was great to hear your reasoning Ruby, well done!

12C -Ryker M-Y : For being an absolute Maths mastermind! Your mental strategies to solve problems are amazing. Well done champ!

34A - Mia M- For sharing her understanding and recognising the relationship between dollars and cents. 

56B - Chance P - For working collaboratively to investigate how much it would cost to order his lunch, a snack and a drink for a week from our canteen menu. 



Prep A - Jedd P - For his resilience as a reader to use his strategies and have a go when presented with tricky words. I love how you could reflect on your own reading and acknowledge this mindset, well done!

12C -Lincoln P- For your outstanding use of metacognition, by sharing your inner voice thoughts to understanding a text.

34A - Ava P- For her outstanding efforts in writing her biography and for her continued contributions to our Readers Workshop. We appreciate your efforts Ava.

56B - Maya P - For her amazing use of writer’s craft in the writing criterion assessment. Well done Maya!