Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Cluster News Term 4 Week 1

Year 1 Sleepover - Week 1, Term 4 

Friday 20th October 4.30pm  - Saturday 21st October, 8.30am 2023 

Please check the form sent home for a list of what to bring. We look forward to this special experience for the students. 

Sunscreen, hats and water bottles 

Could you please make sure your child applies sunscreen before coming to school and their hats and drink bottles are in bags. We do provide the Woolworths brand sunscreen and encourage reapplication throughout the day, however, if your child requires a special sunscreen, please bring it labelled in their bag. 


Photos and stories   

We are asking students to bring in photos and stories about their birth or how they came to be in their families. This is to highlight how birth/fostering/adoption is celebrated in families and religious groups and is part of our Christian Studies unit. The children will include photos and stories in a book about themselves. Please have these sent in ASAP. 


You could also email photos/information to your class teacher to print. You are invited to briefly share these stories e.g. make a time to come into the classroom or to email a video.  

Please let your child’s teacher know if there is any sensitive information we need to be aware of when teaching this unit.  


Home Inquiry – How many different things can you find in your home that make a sound? What are the different ways they make sounds? 


Read your take home book or library books or home books - Approx. 10 minutes each night.  

On Monday mornings, Take Home Books are changed over.   

On Thursdays, both classes visit the Library for borrowing.   


Sound of the week - See the weekly sound and spelling list below. Students can practise these in a variety of ways (look, say, cover, write, check, chalk, whiteboard writing, magnetic letters - be creative!) The aim is to practise the words both by writing and orally. Have a go at brainstorming other words that have the same sound.   



Term 3: Week 10 Program 

Our week of learning 


In Readers Workshop, students will continue to develop comprehension strategies. 


In Writers Workshop, students are learning to write persuasive texts. 



Example word lists consist of revision words, sound of the week words and tricky words. 

Year 1 

<al> sound 












Year 2 

<si> for /zh/ sound 













Maths Focus: 

Year 1 students are learning about time durations. Year 2 students are learning how to read O’clock, Half-Past and Quarter times on an analogue clock. 


Unit of Inquiry: How the world works 

Central Idea: The properties of materials determine their use 

LOI 1: The properties of materials 

LOI 2: How materials change 

LOI 3: Why certain materials are selected for different jobs 


Students have designed and are making a toy or musical instrument, using scientific principles. 


Reminders and information 

Please check the rest of the school newsletter for further news.

May God bless your week, 

Mel Arnold, Ellen Zimmer, Emily Gower  


Mel Arnold  

Ellen Zimmer  

Emily Gower