From the School Leadership Team

Welcome Back! 

Welcome back to Term 4. I hope that all of our families enjoyed their time over the holiday break. It has been fantastic to welcome everyone back and to see the children looking forward to the term ahead. Well done to Vicki Kahl and her team at GGOSH for the fantastic vacation care programme that many of our student enjoyed! It provided a great range of engaging opportunities within and outside of the school. 

We are certainly jumping straight into it with Year 1 sleepover this Friday (20th November) as well as SACSA Basketball next week along with Year 5 Celebration of Learning, and our Community Fete on Sunday 29 October, as well as Year 6 Exhibition in the week after that, just to name a few! 

The term will prove to be a brilliant way for the children to enjoy a range of great opportunities as they continue to grow and enjoy school life! 


Japan Trip 2024 

Traditionally, we have offered the option for Year 5/6 students and their parent(s) to travel to Japan for a study tour every two years. It has been some time since our last trip to Japan with the impact of COVID, however we have planned a draft itinerary and received some indicative pricing for a possible Japan Trip next year. The preliminary costings from our travel agent are for $5534 per student and $5953 per parent at 2023 prices, and there may be a small increase when these are requoted early in 2024. 

To gauge initial interest to see if we are able to obtain minimum numbers for the trip, please complete the obligation-free expression of interest at the below link by Friday 3 November. 

A copy of the draft itinerary is available for you to download. 



Golf Programme

We are pleased to be able to offer our golf programme to students in years 3-  6 again this term. Five sessions will take place on the school oval on Monday 30 October, and 6, 13, 20 and 27 November from 3.15pm - 4.15pm. 

The cost of the programme will be $5 per session. Please complete the expression of interest form via the below link by Wednesday 25 October if you would like you child to participate. 


Class of 2013 Reunion

Our graduating Year 7 class of 2013 will enjoy their 10 year reunion on Friday 3 November at Mawson Lakes Hotel from 6.00pm. Please spread the word if you know any old scholars from this year group. Alumni who are keen to attend can RSVP by emailing us at


Will Wallace




At GGLPS we value the opportunity for students to share their learning because we value children talking about their knowledge and understanding to a variety of audiences.  


The Year 5s have been inquiring into the transdisciplinary theme ‘Sharing the Planet’. They have explored all the areas of the transdisciplinary theme which is described as: An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution. 


Students have chosen an area of their interest and have researched and recorded their understanding. We look forward to all that the Year 5s will share next Tuesday. 


The Year 6s are preparing to share their learning in Exhibition. Exhibition is a time for the students to draw on all the skills they have built over the schooling. They have drawn on the attributes of a learner and taken agency over their learning to enable them to work both independently and also collaboratively with their classmates. 


The exhibition is a requirement of the Primary Years Programme in the final year of student learning. The students will be discussing what they know and understand about their chosen area of inquiry. This year, students have been exploring the same transdisciplinary theme as the Year 5s: Sharing the Planet. Students have accessed a variety of learning resources and a major component of their learning has been to connect with a primary source. This is generally a person who works in, or has a passion for, their focus area. Our parent community are invited to view the student’s learning on Wednesday, November the 5th during the school day. As we get closer to that date, we will have more information on the times available. We ask you to pray for our Year 6s in their learning, that they may continue to grow in confidence in talking about what they have learnt, in asking questions to increase their understanding and to apply themselves to their learning.  


Jayne Zadow 

Director of PYP, Teaching and Learning 

Welcome back to the final term of the year. I hope you all had a great time over the past 2 weeks no matter what you did. For those that didn’t, I hope that the next few weeks allow you to turn things around and/or a chance to feel better.

Whatever you did in the holidays I hope there were times for you to stop and assess how you were going. Now that school has started again it might be time to do a check on yourself. If I said to you – Over the past 2 weeks did you…..????

  1. Get enough sleep?
  2. Eat well?
  3. Have low stress?
  4. Exercise enough?
  5. Have a positive mindset?
  6. Drink enough (water!!)? 

How many of these can you tick off? I know I can’t tick them all off and unfortunately, didn’t come close.

Checking in on yourself is a good way to evaluate how you are going and with time flying towards the end of the year I’m sure you have a million and one things on your list.

Here is a checklist to see how you are going. If you feel you need to make a change, see what you can do. Set some new goals this term even if just small ones. (I know I have!)


Every blessing for the term ahead!! (Less than 70 days until Christmas)



Tim Kriewaldt

Deputy Principal/Learning Support Coordinator