Facilities & Capital Works 

Frances Hansen & Dr Denise Clarke 

Capital Works:


Works are steadily progressing towards a practical completion date of February 2024. there will still be some joinery that cannot be supplied until March so moving in is still a long way off.


The new electronic locking system will be delivered as part of the Capital on Works program. the agenda. My email and  the map I sent you last Friday afternoon indicated that we can afford 14 locks only as the total cost is $94,755. The locks affect everyone so here is you opportunity to help develop the best plan we can afford for the money.


If you  have questions or suggestion for  locks lock locations (swap one lock for another) please email Denise or come to the Yaluk planning meeting this Friday10th November at 3.20 pm in the CLH. 


We are still working on furniture lists so all staff and any who think they will be in secondary next year will be welcome to the meeting. We are also developing transition timelines. We had great feedback from staff who attended the last meeting.


The next walk through for staff will be on Friday 24th November at 3.15pm - meet near the entry gate to the staff carpark.  This walk through has been delayed as the gym floor is  being installed the week before. All staff are welcome.



Facility News


Playground 3 Fencing 

The fencing of PG3 has begun. It will hopefully be finished in the next 2 weeks. The contractor is waiting on gates being manufactured. 

PG2 Sandpit
PG 3 fence
PG2 Sandpit
PG 3 fence

Playground 2 sandpit

On Monday Jacob devoted an hour to brushing & shovelling the sand back into the sandpit. Please help maintain the area by encouraging students to keep the sand in the sandpit & sweeping it up & replacing it in the sandpit when needed.


Birds Nest Swing

The rubber soft fall under the swing has been repaired.


Housekeeping items for all staff:

  1. Sand from the sandpits in PG 2 & PG 3 is once again ending up all over the surrounding area including pathways. Please encourage students to keep the sand in the sandpits as it is a slip hazard when on concrete paths or artificial grass.
  2. Bus loop there has been a sink hole discovered in the bus loop. An area of the loop has been temporarily fenced to restrict access to the affected area. Please DO NOT move the fence or bollards.
  3. DO NOT throw rubbish into the Maintenance shed area. If you have large items to be disposed of, please enter in the Maintenance log & Jacob will collect them or place them in the big bin in the Primary parent carpark.