Celebrations and Acclamations

- Primary SS - Well done to Violette and Gundeep for working hard to learn about the students in Room 9.
- Middle SS - Thank you Room 16 staff for your enthusiasm and hard work 'chipping in' on reports.
- Secondary SS - Thank you to all of the secondary staff who partook in our team problem-solving session based on the 2024 Class Lists held during our recent sub school meeting. Your list of concerns and interests that you shared will help when fine tuning these to support all of our secondary students.
- Learning Specialists - Thank you to Room 19 for being so welcoming
- Therapy - Thank you Amanda for all your preparation for the Prep Orientation. It has been wonderful seeing the new preps and families getting excited for the new school year :)
- Admin - Thanks to our student leaders Ela, Julian and Gabriel along with Julie, Kay and Juri for the fantastic decorations in admin/reception area for Halloween. Great work guys !
- PCT - Shout out to Rachael, Sarah, Ashley, Mary Boutros, & the Wellbeing Team for providing Education Support Staff with a smorgasbord of Professional Development on Monday.