

What is it?

The Wellbeing@Work program has been designed to assist eligible staff to identify and address emerging and existing mental health and wellbeing needs that are the likely result of the staff member having to respond to complex, high risk health and safety issues relating to a parent/carer or student.

This program is facilitated by Cogent Thinking, an organisation external to the Department. Confidential support will be provided by experienced psychologists and dedicated Care Coordinators at no cost to eligible staff.


What does the program include?

When accessing the program, you will be allocated to your own Care Coordinator who will be your centre point of contact for accessing services within the Wellbeing@Work program.

Your Care Coordinator will be responsible for completing your intake questionnaire and discussing the reasons for accessing the program and what goals you would like to achieve. Your Care Coordinator will then help you to organise appointments with a psychologist so you can work towards achieving your goals.


Current services available are:

Psychology: 8 sessions with an experienced psychologist either face to face or via digital platforms

Dedicated Care Coordinator: 8 hours of phone support

Referral pathways: to other support services within the Department of Education and Training


Please complete the following table by entering in your personal information and return to the Employee Wellbeing Response Team. This information will be passed on to the respective service provider, who will be in contact with you regarding the program.

Phone (Mobile): 
Email (Preferred):  
Preferred Program: 
Preferred Contact Time/Date: 


If you have any questions, I encourage you to get in contact with the Employee Wellbeing Response Team (Employee.Wellbeing.Response.Team@education.vic.gov.au) and attention the staff member (Meg Alexander) who has been engaging with your school.