
Co-curricular News
As we draw to the close of Term 4, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the large number of students, parents/carers and staff who have supported the Co-curricular Program over the year. Having served as College Sportsmaster and Director of Co-curricular over the past 26 years, words cannot express how appreciative I am of those who immerse themselves and understand the culture that exists at St Patrick’s College, Strathfield.
The community of St Patrick’s is made up of a wide-ranging demographic. One which does not care about what you have or who you are but more importantly, what you do with and for the rest of the SPC Community.
As many of you are aware, the waiting lists for enrolment into Year 5 are often full 9 years in advance and boys are accepted into the school long before any testing is done. In short, we are non-selective from an academic, sporting, and cultural perspective. We put forward our home-grown talent and irrespective of the competition we face on the track, in the pool, on the stage, on the Rugby field and in the Debating halls, our boys aim up and give their best.
As mentioned on numerous occasions and drilled into the College’s conditions of enrolment, SPC offers a holistic education that provides numerous opportunities beyond the classroom. The opportunities for boys to represent the College in the public arena provides great benefit to the College when SPC is profiled in a positive light. To think that the benefit derived is one-sided would be naive. The reality is that those that get in and have a go, get so much more than they ever put in. The College’s good name and the networking our boys build up by competing against the likes of Trinity Grammar School, St Ignatius’ Riverview, and Sydney Grammar, to name but a few, will be something the boys will trade on for years to come. To continue our relationships with these schools, the College must put forward it’s best teams and individuals otherwise we could also find ourselves travelling beyond the Sydney Metropolitan Area on a more regular basis.
It seems like only yesterday, (1998) that I came back to my Alma Mater, a stomping ground where I had so much fun with my mates back in the 70s’ and 80s’. (I am blessed to still keep in contact with so many nearly 40 years on). Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would enjoy my role as much as I have. There are so many great memories to take away from my involvement in the Co-curricular Program. My sincerest gratitude is extended to past and present Headmasters including Mr Smollett, Mr Roberts, Mr Murphy (acting), Dr Wattam and Dr Lavorato. Their support and insistence that we remain consistent with our high expectations has set the platform from which to operate from. I have also been blessed to have had the opportunity to work with so many passionate and enthusiastic Heads of Sport, MICs, and coaches. The College’s administrative support staff are simply amazing and helpful. Each and every one has added richness to the lives of the boys they cared for. I have also been very fortunate to have shared many experiences with the parent body and I have gone on to form many positive relationships. Please know that I truly appreciate your support and friendship. Most importantly, thank you to the countless good-hearted and receptive boys that have been involved, had a go, formed solid relationships, and created positive memories for the future. Congratulations boys. “You Got It”. You have added so much to the fabric of SPC and in years to come you will see the benefit of this.
In closing, I have great confidence in Mr Anthony Calavassy who has been chosen to be my successor. He is an Old Boy (’07) who always puts the boys’ and the College’s best interests at the forefront of his decision making. I encourage all the community to get in and support his leadership. In the meantime, I look forward to teaching, continue coaching Basketball, Football, and any other sport, attending various Co-curricular activities and watching the College shine for all to see.
Steven Fochesato
Director of Co-curricular