Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Thank you to everyone that was able to attend the Junior School Presentation Evening last Friday. It was a wonderful celebration of the boys’ achievements over the course of the year in the Co-Curricular Program. A special thank you to Mr Jeffery for sharing his experiences in sport. I hope the boys and parents/carers were able to take something away from his insights into success in sport. Also, special thanks to all the Junior School staff for their assistance leading up to and on the night. Especially Mr Fields for his assistance in planning the night and Mrs Tatola for helping with the presentation of trophies and for putting together the PowerPoint display that rolled through the night.
As we turn our eyes towards 2024, Junior School trial dates and times will be posted on the College App. All trials will be during school time on the first few days of the new school year. Boys will need to have their colour house sports uniforms for the trials and all trials will take place on College grounds. Please keep an eye out for the dates.
Ther are still a number of boys that have not returned their basketball singlets. Please be aware that any singlet not returned by the end of the year will incur the cost of replacement. It would be great to have all the singlets back by the end of this week.
To all the boys that are moving into Year 7 next year and putting on the ‘long pants’, I wish you all the best for the next phase of your education journey. I hope that you have made many fond memories in the Junior School, and I look forward to hearing and seeing your successes as you move through the Senior School years. To the boys in Year 5, I look forward to seeing you take on the leadership role as you guide and help the newest members of our community next year.
Finally, I would like to wish all the families in our community a blessed and joyful Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. I hope that it is a time of rest, relaxation and recuperation spent with families.
John Locke
Junior School Coordinator of Co-Curricular