Classroom News

Double Disposition Day - Whole School Event Day

We are the Year 6 Leadership Team and we have an upcoming house event on the 14th of November on a Tuesday.

It is based around the learner dispositions which are Reflection, Collaboration, Creativity and Determination.

The house event will be held after recess and it will end before lunch. However the year 3’s will have their 4 different activities in the morning because of Specialist classes. 

Each year level will be split into their house groups to do their four assigned disposition based activities which will go on for 20 minutes each. This time the leaders will be handing out double points so that everyone has a chance to win the house cup which will be announced soon.  

We would like everyone to attend the day wearing their house colours and house spirit as it is the last house event for this year!

We look forward to seeing you all in your house colours.

Thank you,

Year 6 Leadership Team

Reminder - Remembrance Day - Year 5's

Hello Alphington Primary School parents and (care people) , 

From 31 of October- 10 November the Year 5s will be selling  a range of items for Remembrance Day, like pens, pins, bag keychains and bracelets. The prices range between $1- $10. We will be coming around the classrooms starting at 1:20 and going through all the classes. If your child wishes to buy anything they will need to bring in money. The money is raised for the ANZAC Appeal. 

 Kind Regards 

The Grade 5s  

Year 6 News 

Students in Grade 6 have been delving deep into poetry for the last few weeks, specifically Limericks and Ballads. For one task we chose a well-known fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood, and brainstormed a narrative sequence. Then working with a partner, or in a small group, students created one stanza from the sequence, written in the style of a ballad. At the end of the session, we created our ballad by joining all the stanzas together. A few students then took it to the next level by creating a musical score, using GarageBand, recoding their vocal part on top! So here it is, ‘The Ballad of Little Red Riding Hood.’ Warning: There is a grizzly ending! 

The Ballad of Little Red Riding Hood


Bass and Mahir

“Hey, Little Red Riding Hood,

Make sure your grandma’s fed”

She really wanted to be good

Off she went with her hood of red



Remember, keep to the path my dear

The wood’s a dangerous place

Don’t stray, stay calm and hurry dear

Arrive safe with God’s good grace


Jon and Hayden

She opened up her basket to pack

Filling it with brownies and bread

Then topped it up with apples and jam

When she was ready she just fled



Remember, keep to the path my dear

The wood’s a dangerous place

Don’t stray, stay calm and hurry dear

Arrive safe with God’s good grace


Mali and Frankie 😎

A long winding path ahead

Ferns, flowers and trees

With only a light pack to hold

She carried on with ease



Remember, keep to the path my dear

The wood’s a dangerous place

Don’t stray, stay calm and hurry dear

Arrive safe with God’s good grace


Coco and Milla 📝

She saw a shadowy figure 

Emerge from behind a large apple tree

It was a wolf, who barred her way

Then he left her side, giggling with glee



Remember, keep to the path my dear

The wood’s a dangerous place

Don’t stray, stay calm and hurry dear

Arrive safe with God’s good grace


Lana, Kaylan and Mariana

Little Red Riding Hood

She stepped right inside

“Hi grandma,” she said 

Beaming and bubbling with pride 



Remember, keep to the path my dear

The wood’s a dangerous place 

Don’t stray, stay calm and hurry dear

Arrive safe with God’s good grace 


Cece, Lucinda, Arub and Ruby

Little red screamed

The wolf picked her up

It was part of his scheme

He swallowed Grandma. Yuk!



Remember, keep to the path my dear

The wood’s a dangerous place 

Don’t stray, stay calm and hurry dear

Arrive safe with God’s good grace 


Olivia, Annabel and Millicent

As she hid away she felt relief

A man overheard the screaming

He ran inside and relieved her grief

With a whoosh, blood sprayed on the ceiling



Remember, keep to the path my dear

The wood’s a dangerous place

Don’t stray, stay calm and hurry dear 

Arrive safe with God’s good grace 

SRC - Crazy Hair Day THIS Friday 10th November