PFA News

St Louis Family Run4Fun Colour SPLAT-acular 

There are 230 students registered to run in this SPLATACULAR-ly fun event. 

Thank you to those that have registered and a gentle reminder to those that haven't got around to it yet..!! 


Soooooo.....if life has got in the way and you haven't registered yet, follow these simple steps: 

   Step 1: Register your Child(ren) 

   If you haven't already done so, register your child or children for the 'Family Run4Fun            Splatacular' and create their online profile at 

   ....and start fundraising to get those amazing prizes!


   Step 2: Book you Start Time

   After you register, you will need to book in your wave start time                                                      at  

   There are three waves to choose from, running at: 4:45pm, 5:15pm and 5:45pm and              grown ups and older children are welcome to run with your registered children. 


Call for Volunteers

In the coming weeks we will be calling for volunteers to help us run the event - look out for this soon.  


Some handy information about the event

The PFA have put together response to some your questions....