
Tanya Stefanec

The Power of Practicing Gratitude with Children


In today's fast-paced world, where our lives are often filled with business and distractions, it's easy to overlook the importance of teaching our children the value of gratitude. However, instilling a sense of gratitude in our children can have a profound and lasting impact on their wellbeing and happiness. 


The benefits of practicing gratitude with children:


Fostering a Positive Outlook:

Gratitude is the act of recognising and appreciating the good things in life, no matter how big or small. By regularly practicing gratitude, you help your children develop a positive outlook on life. This positive mindset can help them cope with challenges and setbacks, as they learn to focus on the silver linings even in difficult situations.


Improved Mental Health:

Teaching children to express gratitude has been linked to improved mental health. Gratitude can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and increase overall life satisfaction. When children learn to appreciate what they have, they become more resilient and better equipped to handle stress.


Strengthening Family Bonds:

Practicing gratitude as a family can be a bonding experience. Sharing what you're thankful for at the dinner table, for example, can create a sense of unity and openness among family members. This practice encourages communication and helps children feel heard and understood.


Encouraging Acts of Kindness:

Grateful children are more likely to be compassionate and kind. They learn the importance of giving back and helping others. When you teach them to appreciate what they have, they are more likely to want to share their blessings with those less fortunate.


Teaching Patience and Delayed Gratification:

In a world of instant gratification, teaching your children gratitude can help them develop patience and an understanding of the rewards of delayed gratification. By appreciating what they have, they can learn to work towards their goals with dedication and perseverance.


Practical Tips for Practicing Gratitude with Your Children:


Gratitude Journal: Encourage your children to keep a gratitude journal. Each day, they can write down a few things they are thankful for. This simple practice helps them focus on the positive aspects of their lives.

Daily Reflection: Create a family routine where everyone shares what they are grateful for. This can be done at the dinner table, before bedtime, or in the morning. It's a great way to connect as a family and set a positive tone for the day.

Thank-You Notes: Teach your children the importance of saying "thank you." When they receive gifts or acts of kindness, have them write thank-you notes to express their appreciation.

Volunteer Together: Engage in volunteer activities as a family. Show your children the value of giving back and helping those in need. This experience can leave a lasting impression on them.

Encourage Empathy: Teach your children to see the world from others' perspectives. Encourage discussions about the challenges and hardships some people face, which can lead to a deeper sense of gratitude for their own blessings.


Practicing gratitude with your children is a powerful tool for nurturing their emotional well-being and instilling positive values that will serve them well throughout their lives. By teaching children to appreciate the good in the world, you're helping them build a strong foundation for a happy and fulfilling future. Let's help children embrace the power of gratitude and watch them grow into thankful, compassionate, and resilient individuals.