
Ms Sapardanis, Ms Lawson, Ms Achilles, Ms Walker, Ms Rodwell, Ms Oldfield and Ms Nicholas

Learning in Foundation

Time flies when you’re having fun! It is so hard to believe that we are nearly halfway through the term already. We have been doing lots of literacy and numeracy assessments and are so proud of all that we have achieved this year. We are looking forward to the rest of the term as we celebrate completing our first year of learning and for the transition into Year 1. 


In Literacy we are mastering our letter formation skills with daily practice of handwriting. We are practising our segmenting and blending skills to read and write CCVC (Consonant, Consonant, Vowel, Consonant) words. We have also been practising our encoding and decoding skills with listening and writing down full sentences. Foundation students are continuing to expand on their fluency skills when reading. We conduct daily fluency sessions where we read words with a partner, focusing on reading with accuracy, at a correct rate and with expression. During writing sessions we are continuing to deepen our understanding of writing complete sentences by including ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘where’, while also ensuring we start with a capital letter, have finger spaces in-between each word and end in a full stop. We are beginning to look at different characters and settings in stories and will start to incorporate this into creative writing pieces.




Knowledge - Our Senses 

We are continuing to explore the five senses and how we use them in our everyday lives. So far we have learned about sight, hearing and smell and are able to identify the body part we use for these senses. Students investigated various items relating to our nose and different types of scent. This week we will be exploring the sense of taste by using our taste buds to eat and identify items that taste sweet, salty and sour.













We have started to identify odd and even numbers in our daily lives and are learning about equal sharing (division). Foundation students have been solving a range of practical activities where they can develop their problem solving skills for sharing small groups of numbers. We have also been reviewing the days of the week in order and linking particular days to familiar events.