From the Principal 

Anthea Jamieson

Message from the Principal


Dear Parents and Carers, 


My newsletter message is a short one this month. The message is one that every school principal hopes they will never have to address with their staff, students and families. 

Our Gilgai Plains community has been deeply saddened and impacted this past week, by the loss of Eugene, one of our Year 1 students.  


There is nothing you can say that will take away the grief experienced by a bereaved person; but there are things you can do to provide comfort and support for them during this difficult time. I would like to thank our staff and families for their care and amazing generosity towards Eugene’s dad and family. It is important that the family know how loved Eugene was at Gilgai Plains Primary and that we will all miss him terribly. 

This is a difficult time for all of us. Please know that we are here to assist all of our students and families in any way we can, in dealing with this tragic situation. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school if you need support for your child. 


Yours Sincerely, 

Anthea Jamieson 
