Fabulous Foundation 

Fabulous Foundation

Term 4 Week 4 - Friday 27th October

The prep team is so proud of how our preppies are growing and learning everyday! Their enthusiasm and excitement provides us with so much joy. 


What we are learning:

Phonics (Little Learners Love Literacy) 

This term, across the P-2 cohorts we have targeted teaching groups for Little Learners Love Literacy. Four mornings per week students make their way to their levelled group. It is here that they will be taught at the appropriate level for their ability.  The teachers from p-2 know all the children and can scaffold and support each child. We have been going to our Phonics groups each day, we have all learnt so much!


We are so impressed with Prep writing! We have noticed a great improvement in the confidence of the students. Each Monday morning, the students do a weekend recount, where they write as much as they can about their weekend. It has been great seeing the improvement each week in their spelling and letter formation, as well as the amount of information that they include in their sentences. We have been working on including a who, what, where and when in  our weekend recounts.

Reading: y

This term we have been heavily focussing on fiction and non fiction text types. This week, we have been mostly focusing on Nonfiction texts. We are exploring the different sections of a nonfiction text. So far, we have learnt about the table of contents and diagrams. Students made a fact sheet about Mercury and labelled a rocket. What else do we know facts about?

Leader In Me:

We have continuously been using 7 Habit languages when we are in class and out in the yard. We are continuously reminding students to put first things first. This means, they make a plan to finish things that we need to do, before we make time for things that we want to do. The students do this in class when they finish their work, so they have time to do some drawing or reading afterwards!


Our new inquiry subject this term is weather science. We have been learning about the different types of weather, and the symbols that we can use to show each type of weather. From swirls to show wind, to a beautiful sunshine to show sunny weather. 



Specialist Days:

Monday - Health

Tuesday - Art/Culture & Music

Wednesday- Art/Culture & PE

Friday - Auslan




Important reminders:

Book lists for 2024 have been sent out this week.


Term 4 is hat term please ensure your child has a school hat to wear for recess and lunchtime outside play 


Please continue to check the blue pouches nightly, as we use these to send notices home. We are finding many notices still in blue pouches not read. 


Please ensure that your child has a substantial lunch such as a sandwich/roll/wrap or thermos for example for lunch along with a snack (cracker/yoghurt) and fruit or vegetables.


Daily we have a fruit break, we kindly ask that you please pack your child a piece of fruit or a vegetable to snack on during this time. 


Please have your child’s drink bottle filled with water only.


Foundation Photos