Parents, Teachers & Friends and School Advisory Council 

PT&F Committee                                                            School Advisory Council Members

President - Jenni Hird                                                      Fr Kingsley, Pauline Long, 

Vice President - Ashleigh Stevenson                         David Lee, Jason Allan, Robyn Wilson,

Secretary – Michelle Cortis                                          Charlie Simkin, Michelle Cortis, 

Treasurer – Tracey Klitsch (temp)                              Tracey Klitsch, Kate Thompson

Fundraising - Michelle Cortis

School Advisory Rep - Kate Thompson


School Advisory Council and PT&F AGM Meetings this week. 

School Advisory Council meeting starts at 5pm in the Y5/6 classroom - for our members who are unable to join us in person, please find the zoom link below: 

PT&F Meeting starts at 6pm in the Y5/6 room



To celebrate our 2023 school year we are having dinner at the Terminus at 7pm - Please let Kate know today if you would like to attend. 

PT&F Cherry Fundraiser


The next meetings of the School Advisory Council and the PT&F will be held  on  Wednesday  November 15th in the Year 5/6 classroom prior to our Christmas Dinner at the Terminus.  If you would like to attend this dinner please let the front office know by the end of this week.