School Council 



Hi there,

I’m Katrina, mum to Scarlett (4C) and your new School Council President.

I’m delighted to take on the role of President and look forward to a fabulously busy year.

I’d like to warmly thank our retiring School Council members Nicole, Freya and Langford - their passion, knowledge and commitment will be sorely missed, but their legacy will remain.

I also welcome our new Council members Jason Lee-Ryan, Chris Arnott, and Ben Salajan who I know will take up the reins with gusto!



Our School Council office bearers this year are:

  • Katrina Walker - President
  • Lou Pederson- Vice President
  • Jason Lee-Ryan – School Council Treasurer
  • Christine Priddle – Minute Secretary

If you are wondering how you might get a bit more involved with our wonderful school - joining a School Council sub-committee is a great option! It involves attending eight meetings (approx. 1hr) a year, plus some pre reading and potential project involvement. This small investment is a wonderful thing you can do for your child/ren and the school.


Why join a sub-committee?

Parents on sub committees provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help shape the projects we undertake.

Parents who become active on a sub-committees find their involvement satisfying and may also find that their children feel a greater sense of belonging.

A bit about each of our sub-committees:

·       Wellbeing - engages in supports for our children and families such as the provision of a breakfast club and a second-hand uniform shop.  The committee also works to create a sense of connection and belonging for families at SMPPS.

·       Environment and Facilities - assists the School Council to ensure that the school facilities and environment are developed and managed in a financially prudent manner, in accordance with school policies.

·       Events and Fundraising – develops the fundraising schedule and events calendar for the school community as a recommendation to School Council. Members plan for fundraisers to support the enhancement of school facilities, and social events that build community spirit.


If you are interested in joining a sub-committee, or want to find out more please email Ms Arnold at or myself at