Assistant Principal Report

 Deanne Scott & Spira Antonopoulos 

Hello Everyone,



Should you wish to volunteer at any time during the school year, you must complete a Volunteer Induction Session. It is a requirement of the Victorian Education Department, that any volunteer be inducted into the school.

There are many ways that you can volunteer at our school. Some possible ways could include: 

  • Assisting with the preparation and supervision of our breakfast club program
  • Assisting with supervision of students during excursions or special events
  • Assisting with preparation of whole school events
  • Assisting with our specialist programs, such as Art, PE and the library
  • Working in classrooms, with small groups of students e.g. reading a story, playing learning games, publishing writing
  • Facilitating or assisting with a lunchtime club e.g. gardening, art, sport, science, etc

You will need to have a current Working With Children Check (the form to apply for one is available from the Post Office) and complete the school induction program annually (every year).

For more information, please see the DPW Information and Upcoming Events section of this newsletter.

The first Volunteer Induction Session will be held on Wednesday March 6th at 2.15pm.


Pride and Integrity Raffle 

This raffle, to recognize all of the students who are attending school on time, will continue this year.    This is to acknowledge the students demonstrating Pride and Integrity by being ready to learn each day.

Every student who is at school, and in their classroom, before the bell (9am) will have their name added to the class attendance box. So, if they are present every day of the week, on time, they will have 5 entries into the raffle. 


Last week’s class winners were: 

FA – Steven, FB – Mia, 1A – Shashvin, 1B – Veronika, 2B – Aniva, 2C – Alaa, 3A – Finlea, 3B – Anthony, 4A – Caspar, 4B – Uday, 4C – Justin, 5A – Corey, 5B – Tha Tha, 6A – Ana, 6B – Amos, 6C - Ayman.


2024 Term 1 Challenge of the Week

Unfortunately, no-one submitted Week 2’s challenge.


The aim is to collaborate with 1 -3 friends or family members (no more than 4 people per entry) to solve the puzzles. There will be more than one puzzle so try to solve as many as you can!


Week 4’s Maths' puzzle is:

‘Value of the items’


Year 1 – 3 Puzzle:










Swirly pop:

Lime lolly:



Year 4 – 6 Puzzle:








Switch Controller:

Pac-Man Game:


X-Box Controller:



Please hand your answers to the office before 3.30pm on Thursday 29th February.

Hard copies available at the office.


Thank you,








Deanne Scott

Assistant Principal




Dear Parents,


On Tuesday afternoon we held our Parent Information session for Years F-2. Tonight, we are conducting our Years 3-6 Parent Information sessions. We are looking forward to seeing all in 3-6 parents. 


For the parents who were unable to attend these sessions, please look out for the presentation on SeeSaw. Teachers will share these in the coming days. 


Should you have any concerns about your child’s start to the school year, please contact your child’s classroom teacher to make a suitable time to meet. 


Many thanks.









Spira Antonopoulos

Acting Assistant Principal