News From Mr Smith

Dear School Community Members,


Promoting Positive Behaviour: 


Student wellbeing is of the highest priority at Manifold Heights Primary School. Our school improvement agenda clearly highlights the significance and importance we place on the health and wellbeing of every student. Like all aspects of a child’s development, the partnership between home and school is vital in the growth of a child’s wellbeing. Late last year, I heard a podcast called School Yard Bullying on Radio 774. It was an open and frank discussion about bullying by Dr Karyn Healy from the Parenting and Family Support Centre at the University of Queensland, and Dr Barbara Spears, Associate Professor at the University of South Australia. Several key points were raised during the discussion, which include:

  • Bullying is defined as: an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause harm.
  • Whilst needing to be addressed and corrected, an isolated incident of unwanted verbal, physical and/or social behaviour is not ‘bullying’.
  • As children get older and develop, they explore ways they can get something or get their way. Some children learn they can do it in a way that is sometimes disrespectful to others.
  • At the age of 3, 4, 5 and 6, some children learn they can be achieved this by aggression. It is a critical age for families to teach conflict resolution and how to behave in an appropriate (respectful) way to others. 
  • There are two critical transition points for children. These are Year 2 to 3 and Year 6 to 7. During this time, relationships break up and reform in shifting alliances.
  • Bullying is a learnt behaviour, schools are microcosms of what is happening in their community - from home, peers and media and older siblings. Sibling aggression greatly increases the likelihood of bullying behaviour. 
  • Most kids never bully, some start and stop with an intervention and some start at a higher level and reduce it as they learn a different behaviour. There is also a small percentage of children that don’t stop bullying.
  • Kids who bully will identify a point of difference in other children. It may be that their peer is too quiet or bossy. 
  • Bullying reduces when the person being bullied talks back assertively, demonstrates strong body language, doesn’t react emotionally and demonstrates confidence.
  • 85% of bullying stops when a peer from within the group defends the person being bullied. A whole peer group standing up for their ‘bullied’ peer is the most effective response to bullying.

For families who are interested in the podcast, follow the link:

Later in the year we will recognise and promote the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. This is a wonderful opportunity to continue to educate our students and community on a culture of kindness – more about this in the coming months! 


Mano Family Picnic: 

It was fantastic to see the Mano community come together yesterday afternoon for our annual Mano Family Picnic. Schools have had very limited opportunity over the last three years to have whole school events where students, families and staff come to together to nurture the Mano community Spirit and celebrate all that is Mano. It was great to see our families enjoying time together. 





Installation of new Junior Playground: 

Many families will have noticed that our Junior Playground has been demolished and our new playground is in the process of being installed. This is incredibly exciting for our students and we are delighted to announce that this new playground is now operational and open for our students.

Harmony Week – week of Monday, March 18th:


Harmony Week is a time where we come together to celebrate and recognise the diversity within our community and country. It is all about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Mano will be celebrating Harmony week with a number of activities. This will include:

  • A whole school collaborative art piece celebrating Harmony Week
  • Students are invited to wear a touch of orange on Thursday, 21st March (this could be a wrist band, socks, hair tie etc…)
  • A whole school colouring activity on the Middle Terrace

We look forward to sharing further information about Mano’s Harmony Week in the coming days.


Safety and Parking:


 Whilst we acknowledge the large numbers of vehicles accessing our school each morning and afternoon and the associated congestion it causes, I urge and plead with all families to exercise patience, care and vigilance when driving around our school. I also remind families to obey all parking time limits to allow other families to ‘drop and go’. The Local Law Enforcement Officers have attended our school recently where infringements have been issued. Let’s all work together to maximise the safety of our community.


Thank you for supporting our school and have a great week.

Christian Smith