Harmony Week

Harmony Week
Harmony Week is from March 18th to 24th. RHPS will celebrate Harmony Day with some fun activities! We will have a door decorating competition and a colouring competition. Students across the school will also complete a paper chain activity, demonstrating that everyone belongs.
We would love for you to attend our assembly on Harmony Day! It will be on Thursday, March 21st, at 2:20 p.m. in the gym. We will have an amazing hip-hop performance during the assembly, and citizenship awards will be handed out. All students are encouraged to wear orange as part of their uniform on Thursday, 21 March.
Thank you,
Your School Captains,
Laya Hajal & Sarah Abdulrahman
Spirit Day
This term, RHPS will celebrate Spirit Day on Monday, 25 March. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in their house colours. Students will participate in classroom activities, and our Spirit Day Awards will be announced at a special assembly. Further information will be posted on Compass.
Fancy Hat Parade – Foundation and Grade 1/2
Our Foundation and Junior Communities will participate in a Fancy Hat Parade as part of our Harmony Week celebrations.
The Fancy Hat Parade will be on Wednesday 27, March at 9 am on the Hardcourts.
Foundation students will create a fancy hat during their Art and LOTE sessions. Grades 1 and 2 students are encouraged to make a fancy hat at home to wear at our special parade.
All members of our school community are welcome to attend the event on 27 March.
Colour Run and Cross Country
On Thursday 28 March (last day of term 1), we will run a colour run. Foundation and junior communities will participate in various fun activities on the oval. Our middle and senior communities will participate in a cross country running event. Grades 3 to 6 cross country winners will be selected to represent our school in term 2 at the District Cross Country event. Additional information about the colour run will be sent via Compass.