
Clean Up Australia Day
Earlier this month, Primary School students took part in Clean Up Australia Day.
Students spent time not only collecting rubbish around our own school grounds, but walking to Windsor Park and surrounds and cleaning that area up, too.
Our students were surprised at just how much rubbish they were able to collect when they actually looked for it, and the feedback was how it was a meaningful experience.
You can read more here:
NSATIS Athletics Carnival
On Tuesday 5th March we took a team of 49 students up to Penguin for the annual NSATIS athletics carnival.
We hit the road at 8am and headed up the Bass highway, through a few road works and delays and arrived in time for the 10am start time.
It was a long day for our athletes with the day wrapping up at the track at 5pm and then the off to Maccas for some dinner and an arrival back at school at 8:30pm.
It is the earliest ever NSATIS Athletics carnival and with school camps and a couple of LCS carnivals already this year it has meant a very busy start to 2024. Our team did a great job representing LCS, we went in with a goal to represent in as many events as possible and we did a pretty good job at achieving this.
Our good participation rates and some excellent individual performances meant that we were able to finish 5th in the co-ed aggregate shield, A very solid effort for a school our size so well done to all our athletes!
Our U/15 Boys (Yr. 9’s) did an outstanding job all day. They were one of the smallest grade groups that we took along, meaning a big workload for them, but they were able to place 2nd in their grade pennant which is a sensational effort. Well done Bayde Crosswell-McKenna, Josiah Poole, Samuel Strating and Angus Scharm on this SALUBRIOUS effort.
We look forward to the annual Christian Schools aths in November where our Yr. 7-10 Athletes can represent LCS again in Athletics.
A special thanks to the staff members who came along: Mr Bosker, Mrs. Barracu, Mrs. Armstrong and Mr. Armstrong.
Year 8 Camp
For Year 8 Camp this year, we enjoyed exploring God’s world at both Cradle Mountain and Camp Clayton. At Cradle, students completed either the Dove Lake Circuit or the Crater Lake Circuit, enjoying the sunshine, beautiful scenery, and challenge of hiking. We spent the rest of Camp at Camp Clayton, where we did lots of high-energy activities, made a Year 8 puzzle, visited the beach, went on a walk for ice-creams, tested our brains with trivia, and just enjoyed hanging out with each other. Even though a few people became sick towards the end of Camp, that didn’t detract from a wonderful Camp experience for all.
Year 9 Camp
Year 9 camp was full of adventure, reflection, courage, and connection, and won’t be easily forgotten. It was Hollybank Adventures on Tuesday, with students climbing through the tree-top obstacles on the high-ropes course and taking a dip in the Butcher’s Creek waterhole. On Wednesday we drove through Richmond, stopping for a quick visit to the lolly shop, reaching our destination of Blue Lagoon Campsite in Dodge’s Ferry, in time for an epic afternoon swim at the beach. We capped the evening off with some worship and a devotion from Mr MacQueen amidst a beautiful lightning storm sunset.
Thursday saw us at Redbanks Tasmania, competing in axe-throwing, archery, slingshots, kayaks, golf-chipping, and epic the mud-run obstacle course. That evening was celebrated with a formal dinner, a special message from Mr Smith, and an unforgettable devotion from Mrs Blackberry. We then enjoyed a night of Just Dance and karaoke together.
On the last day of camp, we enjoyed a few activities run by the camp venue, including indoor rock climbing, archery tag and crate climbing. , The students were given high expectations for behaviour, and they did not fall short, which was a great blessing to the exceptionally dedicated staff who made this camp. Thank Mr Adrian Bosker, Mr Smith, Mr Jessup, Mrs Matthews, Miss Connors, Mr Farrow, Mrs Blackberry, Mrs Lichtendonk, Mr MacQueen and Mr McGeachy.
Dan Warlow
Last week our PAC was filled with singing, dancing and laugher as we welcomed Dan Warlow to LCS.
Dan Warlow is an Australian Christian Kids’ Music artist and entertainer performing in schools, churches, festivals and community events.
Thanks for visiting, Dan! We loved having you and pray the Lord will continue to bless you and the team as you perform your shows around Tassie.
Cyber Safety Education
It was a pleasure to welcome Senior Constable Annabel Shegog to LCS last week, who gave presentations to our Years 7 to 10 Secondary School students. The presentations focussed on four main areas: online challenges, what the law says, getting help, and staying safe. We thank Senior Constable Annabel Shegog for taking the time to share this important information with our students.
Student Spotlight: Volleyball Stars
Ethan Lock and Eli Hill are taking part in an athlete development program at Newstead College this year. The level 2 TASC course runs all year and develops athletes at Volleyball. The course requires students to show commitment and dedication with two after school training sessions and course work. Well done, Ethan and Eli - we look forward to hearing about the outcomes of this course later in the year.
Primary Subject Spotlight: Year 5 Music
Secondary Subject Spotlight: Year 9 Science
Secondary School Lunchtime Activities
Drama Club for Years 5 and 6
Parent Orbit = Parent Lounge App OUT NOW
We would like to remind families that we have now launched our new Parent Lounge app= Parent Orbit.
Please remove 'The LCS Hub' app (see below) from your devices and replace them with Parent Orbit.Please note that The LCS Hub app will shortly be inaccessible. The Hub is now accessible via the Parent Orbit app.
We are excited to announce that LCS has launched Parent Orbit, our new mobile app that has been designed specifically for our parent community to enhance communication and streamline access to important updates and resources. Parent Orbit, is Parent Lounge, but in a mobile-friendly, easy-to-use app. It replaces our existing app, so once you have Parent Orbit installed on your phone, you can delete our old app. The Parent Orbit app is now ready for you to download and use! To download the app:
- Go to: OR scan the QR code above. You’ll be directed to the Apple or Google store.
- Click the Install button. After the app is installed, our school will be loaded as an account. If prompted to enter a school code, our school code is LCS
- Click on our school’s name then tap the login button.
- Enter your parent account credentials for TheHub/Parent Lounge into the login screen.
- When prompted, Allow Parent Orbit to send you notifications
If you have any questions, please email
From the Office
Lost property from our Carnivals and Camps this year.
Please check to see if you are missing any towels, pillows, sleeping bags, jackets, drink bottles etc. You may collect these items from the school office.
Outside School Hours Care - LCS Campus
In partnership with Hope Discovery, we are delighted to offer Launceston Christian School families after school care in 2024.
We understand the pressures and demands families face as they schedule work commitments around schooling.
Hope Discovery is taking enrolments to host after school hours care on LCS premises now, and sessions will begin on Monday the 5th of February, 3.15-6pm, for LCS students aged 4-12.Contact or call 03 6343 4614 for information about pricing and to enrol students. Details in the attached flier.
Bottles Needed for Food Tech Classes
Hi everyone – we have been incredibly blessed with fresh produce coming in for our students to preserve – thank you.
However, with lots of preservation comes a need for bottles, particularly sauce ones.
If you have any spare glass sauce or cordial bottles at home we would love to put them to good use. They can be any size, and the tall passata bottles are great too. You can give them to one of us or drop off at the office or kitchen.
Thank you, Michelle and Michelle
Itinerant Music Teachers 2024
LCS has a number of instrument teachers who take students for individual lessons at school during school hours. This is an excellent way to learn an instrument and can help students make much faster progress on their instrument. It is recommended that student’s seriously contemplating studying music from grades 9 onwards definitely consider having some private instrument tuition to further their overall music advancement. Any student in grades 5 – 8 who are serious about starting an instrument should also have lessons in order to learn crucial proper technique early in their playing life.
Students continuing lessons from last year will be individually contacted by their teachers to organise lessons for the year.
If you would like your child to start having lessons this year please email Mr Stewart ( ) and include the following details;
Students name:
Instrument to have lessons on:
Contact phone number:
Your contact details (phone and email)
This will be passed on to a relevant teacher who will contact you for further details.
We currently have teachers available for the following instruments:
Clarinet/saxophone and Flute
Brass (trumpet etc)
Follow LCS on Instagram
LCS is excited to launch our official Instagram account! Please give us a follow:
Parking @ LCS
Please make yourself familiar with our policy above, but here are some key details around parking @ LCS:
- The turning circle cannot be used for any dropping off or picking up of students before or after school.
- At all times, West Tamar Highway or Windsor Park must be used for the purpose of picking students up from and dropping them off for school.
My Christian School
Our students go into the world with Christian hope in their hearts. A new generation of Aussies who love to volunteer, to serve their communities and to build strong families.
At the heart of this difference is the living Christian faith of teachers and staff. People whose lives model the grace and love of Christ. However, proposals from the Australian Law Reform Commission threaten to change this. Hiring a teacher or staff member at a Christian school because they are actually a Christian may soon be seen as discrimination.
My Christian School is for Australians who believe in this difference.
Together, we can preserve this precious difference for future generations.
Subscribe to show your support and stay informed:
2024 Tuition Fees are now due
Fee notices were emailed to parents before students commenced, with payment due by the end of February. If you haven’t already done so, please pay your family’s fees by BPay or to the School office. If you would like to pay in instalments and haven’t already arranged a Direct Debit or other payment plan, please contact Jenny at
Uniform Shop Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30 am - 9:30 am
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
If you have any inquiries regarding uniforms, please get in touch with our Uniform Coordinator, Anne Rixon, at 0400573902
A REMINDER: LCS Uniform Policy - Shoes
Designated sports shoes only
LCS Volunteer Application Form
At LCS, we believe in the importance of fostering a positive, supportive community. We believe that parents and community members are essential partners in achieving this goal, and we would like to invite you to consider volunteering at LCS. We welcome your involvement if you have a specific skill or talent to share or simply want to lend a helping hand.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below and return it to the Office/email it to together with the required documentation.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you.