Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader

Peer Connect & Fun Fridays


“Relationships are the number one predictor of a long and happy life.”

 Donna Cross


Every Friday afternoon, we have three different things that may be happening; Assembly, Peer Connect, or Fun Friday. 


Our assemblies are now always a Whole School Assembly. This is a chance to connect as a whole school and celebrate some of our achievements. We talk about important things to remember and discuss ways to be improve. Wellbeing Awards are also handed out. Assemblies usually start at 2.45pm.


On other Fridays, we may be taking part in Peer Connect. This is a multi-age group of students who will usually have their same Peer Connect teacher for their time at OGPS. At the end of the year, our grade six students will leave, and new Prep students will join the Peer Connect group. The children will hopefully bond and have some strong connections with each other throughout their time at OGPS. When in Peer Connect, the group will usually do an activity that may focus on a wellbeing skill such as gratitude, empathy, collaboration, or kindness. They may do an activity associated with something that our whole school is doing, like OGPS Day that we had last week. 


Fun Friday will be occurring when there is no assembly or Peer Connect. This is an opportunity to bond as a class group. It is hoped that this is another way to strengthen relationships between other students in the class. Fun Friday is simply that – a fun way to finish the week. 


Please keep an eye on the newsletter to find out what is happening on different Fridays.


“Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.” 

Dr. Seuss


Have a wonderful week. 


Andy McNeilly

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader