Wellbeing Awards

Congratulations to the following students who will be presented with their award at assembly.


Whole School Assembly will be held in the Gym at 2:30pm Friday 1st March - parents, family, friends and carers are welcome to attend.


Elliot FJR - for making great choices and being a wonderful classmate. Keep it up!


 Elsie FAM - for showing kindness and respect to her classmates at all times. What a great role-model for our classroom, well done Elsie!


Matilda FJC - you have shown amazing resilience and now walk into school each day with a big smile on your face. Well done, Matilda!


Goldie FMH - for showing great confidence and believing in herself! 


Grace FMK - for being a kind, caring and helpful classmate. You have made everyone feel welcome and included in our class. Well done Gracie!


Floyd 1LP - on a wonderful start to Year 1. Floyd you are such a great role model to all because you show kindness, have a positive outlook on learning and are committed to being the best learner you can be. Well done!


Monty 1AW - for working really hard to be a great role model for your friends, following instructions and putting your best effort into your work. Well done Monty!


Emily 1GL - for making new friends and being kind to others.


Mason 1JE -  for always being excited and ready to learn each day. A great role model in 1JE!


Macy 2AG - for approaching her learning with great curiosity and commitment.


Zoe 2JE - for an outstanding start to grade two at OGPS.


Dulcie 2JH - for being a calm and happy friend to all.


Jim 2MS - for always listening respectfully and being ready to learn.


Ace 3MP - for being an all round great learner!


Howie 3NK - for being a positive learning buddy and role model towards his classmates.


Lindsay 3PC - for displaying great resilience and aspiration. Lindsey always gives her best efforts when completing any learning task and has made a terrific start to the year!


Matilda 4RB - well done on such a great start at OGPS.


Ava 4JH - for her commitment across all aspects of her learning.


Charlie 4SE - in recognition of his organisation and agency towards his learning.


Miller 4LB - for confidence.  


Ollie 5SB - for always being a kind and helpful friend.


Halle 5CC - for showing amazing commitment to her learning and being a superstar!

Eddie 5CC - for always working hard and setting a high standard for himself. Awesome effort, keep it up!


Tom 5CM - Congratulations Tom on a superb start to Year 5. You have transitioned perfectly into your new learning space with ease. Keep up the excellent progress.


Sully 5FA - for always staying on task and making a great start all round to Year 5!