Parent Information

School Uniforms

When ordering school uniforms through DCS Uniforms please ensure that you place your child's name on the order so that we can easily identify who the orders belong to.

Whole School Photos

Whole school photos were taken on Monday 26th February, please see below instructions on how to order your child's photos.



Working Bee

On Thursday 29th February, we will be conducting a working bee in the school garden that is being constructed in the SLC area of the school. We are grateful for the support provided by our Parents and Friends Association and are most keen to establish the garden in the next 3 months.


On this day, we have a team of people from Bunnings on site to construct 4 timber garden beds. I will also be in the garden, with a view to installing an irrigation system, setting up a concrete base for a garden shed, preparing soil for mature fruit trees and building some other garden beds out of bricks. In addition to this, if you have any bricks that you are not using, we are trying to source roughly 1000.


If you are able to help the school on this day, could you please contact the office.  Please let us know in advance so that I am able to organise the materials we will need.












Dear Parents and Carers,


At OGPS we love having parent helpers in our classrooms! It is a requirement of the school that all Classroom Parent Helpers complete our training program (even those who have been trained in the past will require an update on some aspects). 


Some aspects of training will include:

  • Confidentiality 
  • Child Safe Standards
  • Supporting learning behaviours
  • Strategies to engage learners

We are keen to welcome helpers on board, but would like for you to have an awareness of the following before you make a decision to commit to the program:

  • You may not necessarily be working with your own child in their classroom
  • It can be a distraction for toddlers/others to be in the learning space, so please plan accordingly
  • You may complete a range of different ‘helping tasks,’ based on the needs of the class and as directed by the classroom teacher

If this is something you’re interested in, be prepared to organise or dust off your Working with Children Check (they’re free for volunteers at 


Parents/carers volunteering to support teachers outside of the classroom, such as at sporting events and walking to the local library, do not need this training. They are, however, still required to have a WWCC and complete a Volunteer Induction.


We had our first Classroom Helper session on Wednesday and there was fantastic attendance from families who were returning for reinduction and newbies too!

It is a highly valued program at OGPS and we appreciate all that our parents and carers do to support our children and our school.


We have had some families reach out to say that they are unable to make the two sessions on offer but would very much like to be involved. With this in mind, we are sending out a final call for parents and carers who would like to undertake the training. If we get at least 10 participants, we will run one more additional session on Wednesday 27th March at 9am.


Please complete this Google Form to express your interest.


***Parents who completed the course in previous years will be required to attend the first 15 - 20 minutes of one of the sessions for revision of confidentiality, Child Safe Standards and a reinduction.



Kerryn and Alyce

OGPS Learning Specialists