Principal Message

Dear Families,


As we reach the midpoint of term 1 it is a great time to reflect and celebrate even more things around the school…


Parents & Friends: Last Friday, Kristy and I met with the P&F team and heard about all the plans they have in place or are preparing for the community. What a great team that is committed to engaging our community.

NAPLAN: Preparation work has already begun in Year 3 & 5 for this year’s NAPLAN testing which is held from March 13 – 25. As always, it is a family decision to have your child participate in NAPLAN. If you have any concerns about your child participating, please see Cindy in Year 5 or Kerryn in Year 3 (or Kristy or myself) for further advice and discussion. There are protocols and forms to complete prior (by March 4th) to NAPLAN, should a family withdraw their child. Don’t forget that your child requires headphones too and are able to use Bluetooth keyboards if you wish.


Family engagement: As mentioned above, our P&F do a tremendous job organising social events etc. There are also many other ways to be involved in the school from class helpers, sub committees and other forms of volunteering. Many aspects of school life need family involvement and like the old saying goes – many hands make light work – and also a better school! 


Helper Training: The staff room was packed out last week with Kerryn McKeon & Alyce Graham training the volunteers. Some were in for a refresher and a large number of new volunteers which is fantastic. Thanks to all volunteers who are looking to help us in improving the academic outcomes, school experiences and continuing to make OGPS a great place. There will be one more session on soon. Keep an eye out for the dates from Kerryn and Alyce.


Cinema Night: March 15th. Save the date and fill in your diary. More information will come out soon but yet another event from our P&F. For new families, this is a great night of family entertainment on the oval. Bring your blankets, bean bags, seats and your dinner – or purchase some food from one of the food vans that will be onsite.


School Photos: Monday morning saw the school photos being taken in the gym. Don’t forget to order your photos online. Thanks for sending your children in their full school uniform.


Early arrivals: I mentioned last week about a number for students arriving way too early into the school grounds. Staff supervision does not start until 8.45am. Camp Australia offer a great care program and I strongly encourage you to use the program, especially as the weather turns cold. 


Family-Teacher Meetings: If you have not touched base with your child’s teacher yet either through the formal Meet & Greets or follow up calls, please reach out to them so we establish great relationships and have open two way communication.


Grass: You may have seen we have significant amounts of new grass installed over the last week finish off the works over the last 12 months and we will have some more near the STEM gate soon. We hope this keeps the dust (and mud) down but also provide more soft spaces around the school to enjoy. We will be watering the grass to help it establish itself and give it every chance to survive when we let 600 students on to it!


School Councillors: Welcome aboard and thank you to the following new members…

DET RepresentativesParent Representatives
Kristy Hanan-CuthbertsonSimon Brommeyer
Alyce GrahamClaire Williamson
Sebastian EarleAndrew McCallum
 Sarah Ottens
 Liz Patterson


We are looking forward to working with you all and helping to continually add value to OGPS.


Outside learning area (Library) plans: Please take a look at the plans further in the newsletter that Kings Landscaping have designed for the outside learning area (East side) of the library. Our Apple Fair fundraising efforts are dedicated to this site and we are now proceeding to secure the services of a company to bring this to life. If you have any connections that may be able to assist us, please reach out and let me know!


Prep info night: Last night the Prep (Foundation) team hosted an information evening for families to learn more about the year ahead. They heard how explicit the instruction needs to be to teach students and how repetition is so important to reinforce the concept and train the brain. We heard how to decrease the cognitive load so we can take the learning further. I am sure you will agree that the Prep teachers (like all teachers) play an exceptional role in a positive school experience. Thanks to Megan, Ash, Jake, Mat and Jess.


Have a great week everyone.


Scott McCumber
