Visit to Girton College, Cambridge

Over the Christmas break, Mr Troy Edwards (Head of English) and Ms Jo Christie (Head of Riley) chaperoned 14 students on Girton Grammar School’s inaugural Literature Tour of England. 


During the trip, the students visited Girton College at Cambridge, where they were immersed in Girton’s history while completing a tour of the College and its facilities. To say that students were in awe would be an understatement.


The tour of Girton College included an official welcome by the College Bursar, Mr James (Jimmy) Anderson, and a visit to the archives, facilitated by College Librarian Jenny Blackhurst. The tour group was thrilled to see that there were copies of the Girtonian, Girton Grammar’s emblem and various other artefacts in their collection. 


Girton College is excited to keep the lines of communication open and looks forward to welcoming us when we next venture to England on the Literature Tour in 2025.