From the Head of Senior School

This week, we introduced a significant change to our behaviour management practices, reflecting our commitment to fostering a positive and growth-oriented learning environment. ‘Detention’ is a term that has long had negative connotations, often invoking feelings of punishment and reprimand. To help shift this perspective within our school community, we have made the decision to use the term ‘reflection’ in place of ‘detention’ moving forward.


We believe the term ‘reflection’ more accurately encapsulates how this time is used for self-analysis, self-awareness and growth. It encourages students to pause, contemplate and evaluate their actions and choices, and consider the impact of their behaviour on themselves and those around them. Furthermore, it empowers students to take ownership of their actions and strive for improvement. 


As educators, it is our responsibility to nurture not only our students’ academic abilities but also their social and emotional development. Our use of the term ‘reflection’ reaffirms our commitment to supporting the holistic growth of every student entrusted to our care. It also promotes a more constructive approach towards addressing the behavioural challenges and academic setbacks that may occur during a student's educational journey in our Senior School.


The new reflection system comprises two broad categories:

  • Academic Reflection (AR): Students will be required to complete an AR for academic infringements, such as failing to submit homework or assessment tasks, plagiarism, or compromising the learning of themselves or others by disrupting lessons or not completing classwork. Heads of Department will be notified about ARs issued in their learning area so they can follow up with students if these behaviours are repeated.
  • Behavioural Reflection (BR): Students will be required to complete a BR for behavioural infringements, such as misbehaviour, bullying, repeated violations of our uniform and personal presentation standards, or repeated mobile device breaches. Heads of House will be notified about BRs issued to students in their House so they can follow up if these behaviours persist.

BRs provide a structured framework for your child to reflect on their behaviour, understand the underlying reasons for their actions, and identify strategies for positive change. Similarly, ARs offer a chance for your child to reflect on their learning journey, identify areas for improvement, and chart a course towards academic success. During both ARs and BRs, students will use their time purposefully to complete a reflection worksheet as well as complete unfinished work or homework. Starting from Term 2, ARs will be supervised by both Heads of Department and Heads of House on a rotational basis. 


You will begin to see the new terms used in Astra this week, and we are currently updating our relevant school policies to reflect these changes. If you have any queries about our reflection procedures, please do not hesitate to contact me. We hope students will approach academic and behavioural reflections with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow. As a learning community, it will allow us all to create an environment where mistakes are viewed not as failures but as opportunities for reflection and improvement.


Ms Dawn Davis

Head of Senior School