Class 5 News


Theme of Class 5


The theme of Class Five is to study how the stories and religions in ancient cultures such as India and China teach lessons about self-development and growth. Students then apply those lessons  through hard work and an appreciation for the ways ancient values of truth, beauty, and kindness have been sustained.


We  just completed our first major study of Ancient India. We heard some of the oldest recorded stories that had been passed on orally long before writing in Sanskrit was invented. The tales paint a picture of Indian culture and landscape, and alongside those stories we learn about the history of India from ancient times to the present. These stories also tell about the dawning of agriculture.  Our class experiences that connection by learning about the plants around us through Botany, studying them through all the seasons, and discovering how to meet the special needs of each plant in our garden.  


At the same time, we will explore Australian stories, cultures and landscapes, starting in the Red Centre and spreading out to the coasts. We will see how our landscape shaped the plants that grow, and the animals that dwell here. We're looking forward to a fulfilling year!



Map of India
Ancient India Board
Eightfold Path
Map of India
Ancient India Board
Eightfold Path