A message from the Principal

As this newsletter reflects, these are busy and exciting times at our small school.


The fete is now so close and I encourage all of our community to support this great event - there is information later in the newsletter about ways you can help out and, excitingly, the link to our incredible online silent auction.


The Fete officially opens at 11am and I encourage you to be here at this time. We will begin with a formal Welcome to Country from Boon Wurrung elder Janet Galpin. 


Nina Taylor MP will then help to open the event and the ribbon will then be cut by a lucky SKiPPS student who will be randomly selected at this Friday's school assembly.


We will then have a singing performance from our new Foundation students and the fete will be open!


During the day, the stage will feature performances from students, Mexican dancers, our Parents Band 'Parental as Anything 2.0' and many more.

The rides and dunking machine out in the park at the back of the school will provide students with hours of entertainment and a chance to dunk their favourite teachers and Principals (and perhaps a State MP) into a tank of very cold water!


The oval will feature lots of visiting sports clubs running activities and we will take over the new Pavilion with our legendary cake stall.


We will have a travelling silent disco for children and adults to get involved with.


The quadrangle will feature some great stalls to get your face painted or win some chocolate.


There will be delicious food and drink available all day and the Performing Arts space will be taken over by our silent auction.


The only thing left to do is sign up for those last few volunteer slots, buy your rides wristband, check out the silent auction, ensure you bring cash along (although EFTPOS facilities will be available), bring your family, friends and neighbours and hope for good weather!


I look forward to enjoying this special event with you all.


Neil Scott
