
Vermont Secondary College

Welcome from Wellbeing 

The Wellbeing team welcomes you to the 2024 year with a particular warm welcome to any new families to the VSC school community. 

The Wellbeing team offers support to young people and their families who are experiencing and dealing with a wide range of mental health and wellbeing concerns, with a strong focus on helping families and students navigate the impact of any challenges on their ability to be at school and access their schooling. 

VSC is committed to supporting students with their well being and we encourage to get in touch with the school if you have concerns that you think may be impacting on your young person. The best way to get in contact with us is through your child’s Student Manager. 


Alternatively, if the issue is of a sensitive nature or you have questions you can always call or send us an email directly on moarl@vermontsc.vic.edu.au 


The Well Being team has the following staff membersin 2024:

Leesa Moar – Well Being Team Leader 

Paula Hall – Mental Health Practitioner 

Bhagya Senatilaka – Social Worker and Intake 

Estafania (Stef) Mira – Mental Health Fund and Intake 

Alex Tiver – Teacher and Well Being and Engagement Leader 


Camps 2024 

Both Year 8 and Year 9 will have school camps coming up in 2024. For families who find the cost of camps challenging, we encourage you to contact Andrea Hook in the General Office on 8872 6300, to discuss possible payment plans to assist with this.