Year 8 News

Vermont Secondary College

 It has been a busy few weeks for Year 8 at Vermont Secondary College!

Last week saw Hotham, Macedon and Stirling students compete and cheer on their peers in the 2024 House Swimming Carnival. 

Despite a local area power outage impacting the school on the morning of the carnival students were able to show resilience and organisation before heading to the buses and making the day another fun showcase of House pride, support and sporting excellence. Highlights include the house event where all three houses had a record number of students in and out of the pool to boost points earned.

When all of the events had concluded and the day was done Stirling stood victorious followed by Hotham in second and Macedon in third place. A huge thanks to the students who gave up lunchtimes to create painted cardboard signs in house colours to raise cheers for their peers.

The next sporting day for Year 8 will be a round robin sports day on Wednesday March 13th where Year 8 students will have the opportunity to represent the School in Baseball, Softball, Cricket, Tennis & Volleyball.


Keep up the terrific effort that has made the start of 2024 a positive one!

Ms. Eccles, Mr. Malpeli, Ms Nettleship.